Faelynn Oakblossom



2 years, 6 months ago


Faelynn is a Circle of the Moon Wood elf druid, she's generally quite a motherly figure, and being 543 years old she has quite a lot of years behind her. 

She often works as an apothecary, creating salves, potions, herbal mixtures and anything else one might need to cure their ailments. Though being a druid, her main priority is to keep the forests where she lives healthy and luscious. 

However, as a child she was forced into the ritual of gaining a wild form by a rogue coven of wild magic users, the wolven spirit becoming bound with her own and inflicting a condition similar to that of Lycanthropy, where her own soul was overtaken by the wolves' far stronger one. 

For years, she was trapped inside the form of a dire wolf, vaguely aware like through a misty dream of her actions, yet completely unable to stop the wolven instincts. However, eventually she managed to regain control and revert back to her 'true' form, though even centuries later she is plagued by the instincts trying to claw their way out, and for her wildform to take complete control again.