


2 years, 10 months ago


Created in 2010, updated in 2020.

Spending most of his time on the seas, Sullen the seal loves his career  as a lone pirate. Sullen has a charismatic and charming attitude that he  veils over his truly sneaky and devious personality. He uses this friendly façade to get on the good side of others around him until he  can stab them in the back and run off with their loot. He was more rowdy  and aggressive in his earlier days and was known for his impeccable arm  strength and endurance that he would take advantage of in order to  succeed in his cutthroat goals. His unquenchable desire for valuables  and exploring eventually led him to hearing about objects such as the  chaos emeralds, and he knew he wanted his hands on them.

He set  out to find and claim them but with each failed attempt he grew more  desperate and aggressive. This went on for some time until during one  alteration where he was finally one-upped and delivered a harsh blow  that crippled him, shattering his strength and ego, as well as putting  him out of commission for a good while. Sullen wasn't seen for a good  long time after he was knocked down a peg, but he has recently emerged  sporting a new mechanical arm and a mended ego to get back to what he  loves doing the most. Sullen has learned to be a lot more level-headed  and cunning now, and he will use a light-hearted and kind face to  further his own goals while also putting you in a bind. It is wise to  steer clear of him and not to trust him or follow along with his ideas  if he happens to approach you.