


2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info








5'3 ft (160.02 cm)




Cavewater Shoashian

Place of origin

Southern Amie

General appearance

Young adult of short Shoashian stature. Naturally broad but wiry and gangly. 4 horned head, (rather rare for the race standard) said horns are a deep denim/indigo color and an aquatic green scaled tail. Very pale, fair skin, fluffy reddish blondish hair and seemingly dark eyes. Thick, short, tuft-shaped eye brows. Said brows have blackened from stress.


A runaway who left without saying a word shortly after they began exhibiting strange behavior.

Mari has spent most of their current adulthood a vagabond, venturing through dangerous lands, both wilderness and populated. Aiming to go on until something happens or they're killed/die, they end up in the city Aithetin (Eighth-tin, also pronounced as Eighth-et-in and Eighth-ee-tin), (more often affectionately referred to as Amniea, meaning "little Amie" or even just Amie, the country/continent its on) The capital city that takes up most of the Movian (Movoe is the name when not in relation) province, and decided to settle for a while.
A young Dwellian man known as Braxter, met them one day while late for work wandering the streets in a state of delirium. From forearms and lower legs covered in burns, flesh wounds from what looked like falling-as well as bruising and wounds all over their hands and face- Braxter upon wrangling this individual immediately took them to the hospital. They were assessed and treated for their injuries, and slowly came to their senses. Braxter decided to stay by, and learned through Mar upon regaining sanity that their apartment was set on fire, then further explained that they don’t know what happened nor remember the past week or what had even transpired before their home was set ablaze. Taking pity on this no hoper, Braxter agrees to help them salvage any of their belongings from the site. The police suspect a possible arson case, but don’t see Mar as a suspect and let them go to sort themself and deal with homelessness. After such, Braxter took them to his place, unable to get much information about their origins only that they had no home to go back to.

After that, Mari became Braxters roommate, the two became very close, despite butting heads at times, and the never ending tomfoolery on Mari's end.

Not much is known about Mari, it seems they hate talking about their past, to the point of keeping it unnaturally brief when having to speak on it. Even recent past topics, like old friends, coworkers, etc only get any brief light put on them, is when it’s necessary.
Braxter can only gleam that his friend is hiding a lot of things. Every day seems like a new revelation, like finding out Mari knows more about the lands history than many locals, or that they know the forgotten branches of healing magic and could potentially best professionals with their skill in it, though Mari contests this, explaining due to their condition they have very limited use over it among other things. One thing Mari is forward about though is their immense skill with illusionary magic, even if it's seen as a useless skill in the modern world they live in. That being said they have proven themselves to be skilled in many fields of magic, even if they never seem to put it to use. 

Personality: incredibly cynical and pessimistic, due to unspoken things Mari has a very grim outlook on life, to be more specific, their own life. Due to their cynicism, they don't often take little things all too seriously. A bum with big sense of doing things out of the pure fact that it makes them laugh. Despite the more exhaustion fueled behaviors, they are chaos incarnate often, as well as purposely a pain in the ass for both the bit and an inner compulsive want for people to abandon them. In contrast to this, they often will stand up and be something when someone needs them to be, whether a voice of reason, comfort, or a life saver, they do whatever they can to be there for others, even if they think they themself are a lost cause.

some trivia 

  • despite being the average shoashian in loving all other shellfish on their plate, Mari hates oysters.
  • Mar disbanded their full name, and seems to have been able to modify their prints with unknown, possibly advanced illusionary magic, making them unknown. Despite it they have id though it’s apparent it’s information is fill ins by whoever granted it. notable things on it being that it refers to Mar as “Mari Dô” with no biological sex listed, and a false birthdate. Still, it works within the Movian system, with Mar using illusionary magic to make living eyes see something else when they see the ID.
  • Mari has used their voice to use healing magic, which is unheard of.
  • Mari used to deface public property with street murals 
  • While their age is unknown, they have hinted to be older than Braxter
  • They Love car rides and road trips
  • they were a vocalist in a band at some point.   “Dark times” -Mari
  • despite being noticeably under the weather, Mari occasionally exhibits strange and unnatural amounts of raw strength.
  • While being very secretive, it's evident that Mari is physically very ill, and is stunted due to it.
  • Mari, when talking to clementine, sometimes refers to Braxter as "lover boy" and often messes with Braxter by bringing up embarrassing details about his relationship with his girlfriend
  • They describe themselves often as a "walking contradiction"
  • They shown themselves to be rather forgetful, Often forgetting the city they live in‘s current name *Aithetin*-often accidentally calling it it’s old common name, Aiam= an indigenous term for the kingdom Movoe once was home to, long before Aithetin was built. Braxter has always found this bizzare and nonsensical, but endearing.
  • They love fruit, it’s  big portion of their diet. They can be found more often then not buying pomegranate arils from the local corner store.