Nathaniel Mendez



6 years, 8 months ago



Name Nathaniel Mendez

Age 22

Gender Male

Race Latino

Role College Student/Future Private Investigator..?/Plant and Photograpgy Enthusiast/Sees Ghosts

Value $$$


A College student with little to no ambition. If the man could major in lying in bed at home all day, he would; instead he majors in Criminal sciences and foresenics. Most say he's quite bland or snobbish upon meeting him, as he doesn't tend to talk much. When he does it's often to express his surface displesures in the form of witty sarcasm, which some find funny as long as it isn't directed to them. Aside from his hobby of photography, taking care of his plants and turtle, and his interest in tea; he lives quite a mundane boring life. Well, that would be the case, if not for his ability to see ghosts. If he didn't already look like a madman, the ghosts had to make it so much worse. If he pretends their not there, its all good. But often times, he comes by these real annoying ones ( and the scary ones ) that don't leave him alone. Now thats when life gets extra bothersome for him. If on He's only more than willing to deal with them, when paid to do so. In truth, he really wishes to just be your average boring human being. Also tends to be sharp with his words. Has a knack and seething hatred for people who are ignorant especially towards culture, conduct and society. In that sense he can get quite hypocritical and overly critical about nitpicking other people's behavior, believing its for the greater good. Not the easy person to be around, but for those who do stick around, he " tolerates ". But in reality, he subconsciously is deathly loyal to them and constantly worries for them. Utilizing his harsh words for a good scolding, Honestly he just needs to get better at dealing with people.

"Eat, Sleep, Fight Spirits, and Repeat"

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