Xīnghóng (Shing-Hong)



2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Xīnghóng (Shing-Hong)  loong (Means scarlet in Chinese)

Species: (Violet Flame) Loong Dragon

Sex: Male

Age: 247

Height: 13 feet (On all fours)

Length: 23 feet long

Background: Xīnghóng is a red spotted long dragon. He makes his home in a old cavern shrine by a blue shimmering lake up in the mountains. This lake is known  Shuǐjīng (Crystal) lake due to the way that the clear water shimmers. Xīnghóng is the one that purified the waters. Occasionally he’ll take a dip in the waters to refresh himself. He spends a good deal of time sunbathing on the rocky cliff that is above the lake, reading or sleeping in his cave. Within his cave he hoards countless ancient texts and various books which are full of various types of knowledge. Since he has nothing but time he has read practically all of them. He doesn’t mind if people come to the lake but if someone damages or pollutes the area he will be quite cross with them. On occasion he’s also been known to help purify other bodies of water or other areas. This unique ability of purification is an extremely rare trait. He does enjoy reading and over time has amassed quite collection of books and ancient texts and various books which are full of various types of knowledge. Since he has nothing but time he has read practically all of them. This has also made him fairly knowledgeable so many also come to him with questions. He’s also learned how to read runes. This has also made him fairly knowledgeable so many also come to him with questions. He hates being bowed or groveled to as it's not really his thing, simple respect is enough

Personality wise Xīnghóng is a very laid-back dragon that prefers to be left alone so he can sleep or read. He doesn’t mind company, but he has trouble dealing with anyone that’s very high energy.  If you were to ask him to help you it would honestly depend on his mood. If he’s sleepy he’s not going to bother. If he’s bored or curious it’s very likely that he will. If the task is tedious like purifying something than he’ll very likely want a tribute of some kind to make it worth his while. He does not like to be woken up unless it’s for a good reason.  Xīnghóng has also started  a small garden above his cave. He is quite proud of it. It didn't happen often, but some have tried to steal from his hoard and depending on the circumstances they may be never seen again.


Flight: He is able to fly

Size Change: Xīnghóng can actually change his size for convenience. He can shrink down or return to his full size.

 Swimming: He’s A very capable swimmer

Violet flames/smoke: Has the innate ability to breath a violet colored flame /smoke. The flames are vibrant and beautiful and seem to have a mesmerizing effect on those that stare at them to long. His smoke can be used as a smoke screen or to disorient an attacker. If inhaled the smoke has a lethargic effect rendering the target harmless and defenseless.

Magic sense: Has the ability to sense magical objects or beings that are close by.

Fireproof: He’s naturally fireproof

Purification: No matter how dirty or how toxic a place or object he is, cursed or not, he is able to purify it, although this ability is taxing for him to do. It’s especially draining to perform on large objects like bodies of water or living beings.


-Has an irrational fear of house cats

-If you steal from him, he’ll know and he Might eat you when he catches you.

-Dislikes hyper individuals

-Not a morning person

-Loves reading and can be bribed with new books