[SONA] Dies "Di"



2 years, 6 months ago



Name: Dies "Di"
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Hero/Detective
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac: Libra
Pronouns: She/Her
Quick Descriptors: Aggressive, optimistic, driven.

Dies is the older sister of Nyx and born into the same family of Whisperers as her. Her curse was the altruism and acknowledgement of those who are soon to die, which leader her to a life of being a detective to use those traits for good. However, one she can always hear is Nyx due to her life being so closely connected to death. Di actually got her powers rather early in her childhood, it was never something that bothered her though due to how she needs to harness that power - but for Nyx, she knew she always struggled. As people distanced themselves, Di stayed close to protect Nyx trying to make her life just a little bit more fair.

Di couldn't stay with her forever however and this grew more apparent has her abilities could pick up Nyx's spirit. She could hear the suffering and...other voices. Something about her aura changed slowly with the years and Di wasn't able to capture exactly what that was. Leaving to join the police academy didn't help Nyx's mental health and a phone call shortly after would send chills up Di's spine. Nyx was missing - but so were her sisters. A blood bath was made of the house and none of the DNA matched Nyx. Moreover, Di couldn't hear them - which meant they had passed over already. Where was Nyx? What had she done?

Worth: $300