Jannik Helios Obermair



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Birth Name

Helena Obermair





Sexual Orientation



12.06.2001 (Gemini)


Male (Trans)


1,52m (chubby)

dominant Hand


Blood Type





German(native); Greek(basic)

Hogwarts House


Associated Animal

French Bulldog




A University friend of Eva's who happens to see the same therapist as Thomas.

Obermair is very openly autistic, and while he can mask, he often chooses not to. He's hyperverbal, hyperempathetic and compassionate, but maybe a bit too eager to please. He lives with his friend Julia, who is also autistic, in an assisted living arrangement, and manages with little assistence except for regular check-ins with cleaning and mail service as needed.

His fingernails are extremely short and damaged from a combination of wearing fakes most of his life, stress, and a bad chewing habit.

Obermair only recently started on hormones (as of his introduction to the story, 2021), not least because his mother had him fully convinced that all his 'feeling more like a man', 'relating more to the guys' and even 'feeling uncomfortable in her own body' was due to autism, and that all teens felt bad going through puberty. It took moving out and presenting as a man for over a year until he dared starting to transition, and Imposter Syndrom is still a big issue, especially as his asthma and lack of body introspection makes it really hazardous to wear a binder.

Thankfully, he has a very supportive friend group now, won't have to dress up as a girl for his family until christmas, and may even finally learn skateboarding, which he was never allowed as a child.

The name Helios was given to him by Thomas' attemt to not say Helena. It stuck somewhat (most people still called him Obermair, or by his TTRPG character's name, Conan), especially as it was an easier transition from his deadname.

Jannik finally chose his real name some time between 2021/09/19 and 2021/10/10, and got surgery after Christmas that same year.

His transition is going really well after a slow start, and now (as of 2022-2023) it's only the facial hair that just won't grow; he has a small collection of hairs on his chin and that's what he calls a beard.


Swings between happy, stimmy excitement and deep insecurity depending on who he's with and how badly his depression is flaring, but mostly appeares just composed and a little shy/ possibly out of breath. Loves to skate but is still pretty bad at it (balance? what is that?). Mostly hangs out with Eva and her gang, playing games, watching TV or going out for bowling/karaoke or similar. Likes horses and ponies, but only from a safe distance or when they're tiny, so going near Eva's giant horse Blümchen is a challenge he might not be brave enough.


2021 - Baggy. Hoodies, Cargo Pants, everything that will hide his figure and is easy to move in.

after 2021/06/12 (his birthday): Now owns a trans-pride Hoodie and several pride pins (aromantic/asexual/trans/autism). He also finally got a real packer (only had socks before) and a skateboard.

sometime between Christmas 2021 and Easter 2022 he finally got surgery.

He also gained a lot of muscle and confidence. His sketeboarding is still ambitious, mostly due to his dyspraxia. Julia makes him wear the full set of protective gear becuase of this, and Jannik struggles to not let this dampen his confidence.


Jannik is pierced for earings, but only started wearing studs in 2022.

after 2023/05/17 : a tattoo on his chest covering the top surgery scar. Its the sun, with Helios' carriage drawn by flaming pegasi.