
Name: Minty (temporary name)

Gender: Female.

Species: Rabbit, specific breed undecided at this time. 

Role/Occupation: Snorkeler, underwater treasure hunter and underwater wildlife photographer. She's really into exploring ancient shipwrecks, finding treasure and taking underwater pictures of ocean creatures with her professional grade waterproof camera. 

Abilities: Hydrokinesis; (Water Manipulation) She has an affinity with water, it's not just that she loves to swim but she has the ability to control water as well. This ability will probably come in handy for both her and her friends as she'll learn later on that she is able to do the following that comes along with it.


  • Breathe underwater for unlimited amounts of time. (He learns to do so with practice)
  • Cannot be seriously harmed if he falls into the water. (might get a scratch by something solid under the water as it is not something that he can manipulate.)
  • Immunity to water pressure. 
  • Higher resistance to fire and burns than regular animals. (after multiple exposure from fire based attacks by those with either Pyrokinesis, Fire Manipulation and Magma Manipulation.)
  • Make water shoot from petrified sea shells or dried out riverbeds/lakebeds? (This is probably an optional sub-ability)
  • Able to create air bubbles underwater for others (animals or otherwise) who cannot breathe underwater.
  • Harden water to form shields or solid ground to walk on, as seen in The Demigod FilesThe first, she can only make when she is under distress and it is most needed for defense. The other however she can only make if it is needed for a quick escape for her and her friends.)
  • See in the darkness underwater. 
  • Naturally detect if water is fresh water or salt water. She would be using her sense of smell as well for this as well.
  • Make giant clawed paws (or fists if currently humanoid) of water that mimic whatever ahe does to grab enemies or just smash them into the ground. 
  • Walk on water but only by using her powers to harden said body of water beforehand.
  • Use water to strengthen themselves and heal most wounds and poisons.
  • Can will herself to stay dry in water if wished but she doesn't mind getting wet.
  • Water Immunity
  • Water Absorption
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. This depends upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
  • Controlling and manipulating great bodies of water (ponds, lakes, seas, oceans) over an excessive period of time is exhausting.
  • Susceptible to Electricity Manipulation.
  • Can be opposed by Fire Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, or Ice Manipulation.
  • Users of Sand Manipulation can use silicate particles to absorb the moisture from water.
  • May be unable to create water, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
  • May not be effective against Oil Manipulation since oil is hydrophobic, meaning repelled from water.
  • Any form of water pollution can hurt cause pain or discomfort when using said abilities.

Personality: Empathetic, energetic, confident, curious, intelligent and intellectual. She enjoys discovering new species of ocean animals and observing their behaviors.