
Backstory: 3 was originally created to be the perfect main course. Although he is primarily a Turkey, he is also part chicken, pheasant, duck and other verios poultry. 

He developed a much higher level of intelligence than initially planned and managed to escape before further information or experiments could be recorded. 

His current whereabouts are unknown. He was last seen roaming near the fog forest and several sightings of a similar creature have been reported. Despite this no luck in finding him yet. 

Species: Turkey(primary)

Breed: n/a

Hometown: (wip)

Abilities and skills: unknown

Age: 24

Height: (wip)

Weight: (wip)

MB personality: (wip)

Occupation: (wip)

Hobbies: (wip)

Likes: (wip)

Dislikes: (wip)