


2 years, 6 months ago


❖ Profile
Name Abaddon Keiran Eversor
Age 53 Trillion (Immortal)
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him/They/Them
Personality ESTP-A
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Ethnicity Divina Hierarchia (Divine Hierarchy)
Occupation Celestial Dominion (Destroyer)
Quote "I don't MAKE enemies, I DESTROY them"
✎️ About

Through out the far reaches of the cosmos, endless light and darkness are in unmitigated balance. A harmony of indescribable beauty and fear, for when there is creation, there is destruction. It is said there are two rulers of this unimaginable infinity, one of which is the embodiment of the void, a boundless creation of nothingness and the symbol of holy fear.

Abaddon, The Angel of destruction, the unhailed son of God and the sovereign ruler of the universe, he travels the vast cosmos and destroys planets and star systems making the empty void that haunts every corner of the universe. his power is the ability to create singularites that grow into blackholes when they consume enough matter, he also uses them as a defense move to counter ranged attacks, given that even light cannot escape its infinite gravitational pull.

♠ Appearance

On earth he takes on the form of a tall black wolf with dark eyes and glowing irises, he wears a hooded sweater with his symbol on the back, but while up in space he reveals his true form, A celestial being made of pure dark energy, he uses his appearance to his advantage, being the form of dark energy, it makes it hard for him to be spotted when he moves across the dark reaches of space.

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☰ Details
📖 Backstory

The Dominion and Destroyer of the cosmos, Brother of Samael now known as Lucifer and The Gatekeeper of “The Abyss”. Abaddon has a big role to fill after his Brother’s fall, he was born a bit strange not like all the other Angels who were born graceful, like his father, and brother, he was born with a normal looking physical body but his angel form shows his complete corruption, his entity like angelic form, withering like an unstable embodiment of his power, he is unlike all the Angels in God’s domain, because of this he is ashamed to even face his Father, God himself, he stayed distant from his brother and all the other angels when they were young, he would always ask his mother Aurora when will he become normal, Aurora always said that “being Different isn’t bad it’s what makes you special” even with his mother’s encouraging words he still refused to be with other angels and just sat down with his mother listening to her singing and her passion for loving and creating things, when they grew up, he was too scared to enter angelic training, while his brother Samael rose into power eventually becoming a Seraphim and claiming to be God’s most perfect Son, this threw off Abaddon even more knowing his brother is the most famous and powerful angel in God’s legion, he locked himself up even more due to his shame not even being able to face his brother now and he would just sit in a secluded part of the Omniverse.

He awoke one day to a loud sound of trumpet sounded by none other than his brother Samael himself backed up by millions of other angels pointing his weapon at their father declaring war and that he should be the one sitting on his throne, Abaddon watched in fear as his brother mercilessly kills The other angels and corrupting their minds, resurrecting them and making them join him. Slowly paving his way towards God’s throne. Then there was a sudden flash of light as Samael is struck down by Michael the archangel, soon other angels impale Samael and pinning him to the ground, Abaddon cries out as his brother gets struck down, all of a sudden in a heartbeat he feels a stinging pain to his chest and as he looks up he sees Samael stand up even after being pinned down by 9 different angels, in an instant he throws them away with ease, abaddon stands there eventually being brought to his knees by the pain in his chest, he looks up and sees his brother holding Michael by the neck overpowering him. God for the first time senses fear for him not knowing where his sudden burst of power came from, he stands up and attacks Lucifer himself eventually banishing him from heaven, he opens the gateway to a realm known as the “Underworld” and throws Lucifer in and shuts the gateway close. And only then did Abaddon find relief from the pain in his chest, he lays on the floor trying to catch his breath while holding his chest, his mother Aurora runs to him and picks him up, one look from her and the look of fear from her face is indescribable only muttering the word’s “he’s learned to use it.”

After his brother’s fall God has assigned him Samael’s Throne, and gave him his duties, Abaddon was uncertain at first but then he was approached by another angel named Evangeline which was an Elite like the other archangels like his brother, she taught him the basics of being an Elite, they both end up liking each other, and in the far future, God, Fearing Lucifer’s return he sets up a plan so the Hyperverse will be harder for Lucifer to take over, he splits the Hyperverse into Infinite Realities and Dimensions naming each individual partition as a “universe” assigning each two angels for each universe Abaddon and Evangeline feared they would be separated but God being all knowing knew their love for each other so he partnered them up for a universe and gave them their Roles, with Abaddon being a destroyer and Evangeline being a Creator, he knows both angels will fulfil their duties and keep the universe in balance.

◈ Relationships
God the Almighty His Father, the creator of the Omniverse, little is known about God, but the angels know that nothing came before him, not even time itself and that they were made to serve him and act as his Sons and Daughters. God failed to treat Abaddon as an equal son however, this would lead to Abaddon growing less empathic and would always see himself unfit to be an Angel of God's legion
Aurora His Mother, The first servant of God and a warrior of the "Eternal Light" the highest choir of Seraphims that praise God and guard his throne. Aurora was chosen by God to be his wife among other Angels to which would lead to the conception of their twin sons, Lucifer and Abaddon. God favored Lucifer for his looks and unmatched power leaving Abaddon to be cared for by Aurora who trained him in the ways of the Eternal Light
Lucifer/Samael His Fallen brother and the king of the Underworld, a place better known as hell, where Lucifer drags souls from the mortal realm and corrupts their mind with sins and temptations
Evangeline His loving wife and the sovereign queen of the universe, unlike other angels she understands Abaddon, knowing why his past shaped the way he views everything, she is always there for him and like with her creations she treats him like a son
Azrael His eldest son and his successor. He rules over the dead in the mortal realm as the angel of death and purgatory, sinners stay in his realm while the pure of heart gets reincarnated
Uriel His middle child and the Guardian of Eden, the promised land of God, a Eutopia. He guard's the gate from unwelcome demons and sinners alike
Jophiel His youngest child and the Guardian of Gaia(earth), she watches the progress of humanity and is resposible for their love and wisdom, she is also resposible for all natural disasters and calamities either by orders of her father or by choice
▶ Playlist
“It’s what happens when that happens” -AntAptive 2022 (helped with coding)