Nika Caris



6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Anikame "Nika" Caris




Design Notes

Uncommon/Rare Traits:

  • Glow horns - full glow (uncommon)
  • Storm tail - thunderstorm (rare)
  • Kitsunebi - little spark wisps (rare)
  • Engraved gems - lightning designs on both of her lifegems (uncommon)
Common Traits:
  • No whiskers
  • Mostly short fur (may grow slightly thicker during winter)

Inspired by this picture.

3c7e4fc1e1f6e615655e8350fd9ef3f8.jpg source

Gems, eyes, horns, and kitsunebi are all the same color, which is roughly the purple-white of the lightning in the picture. Their tail resembles those storm clouds, with lightning crackling around it. The rest of their coloring and markings are up to you!


I am uncomfortable appropriating more traditional east Asian designs, so I chose to draw inspiration from Japanese street fashion instead, specifically mori kei.


                 a cool weather look                           a "i had to dress kinda nicely" look                            a mild/warm weather look

During warmer seasons, she tends to wear a tank-top and loose-fitting dress, sometimes with leggings underneath. When the weather gets colder, she will wear leggings under skirts, oversized sweaters, or dresses. When she wears shoes, they are almost always a pair of leather boots. Most of her clothes are in neutral tones such as black, grey, brown, white, or cream. Most other colors worn are muted or faded shades. She may occasionally wear more colorful clothing, but it is unusual.


She has long hair with no bangs and is frustrated when it gets in her face. To avoid this, she commonly braids the front of her hair in a . The back of her hair is styled in a variety of ways, from left down to tied into a bun, all depending on the day. Though she likes her long hair, the styles she wears are for convenience, with fashion as a secondary factor.

Character Notes


She lives in the mountains to the west of Ivoryhelm. Her settlement is a mix of a few species, mostly Eaters and Sweepers.


She is an energetic person who is always looking for an adventure. She loves to explore the mountain range she calls home. Despite her excitability, she has good manners and manages to conduct herself decently for the most part, though she is prone to eccentric behavior and acting unpredictably. She would love to travel and explore, but there is something holding her back from going on the grand multi-continent journey she dreams of. If asked she will say that she is making a plan, waiting for the right time, or some other excuse, but the truth of it is that she is scared of going alone and having nobody familiar to her in addition to being in a strange place. While she waits to find the perfect person to join her on her travels, she travels around the continent, mostly within her own region, as a message carrier.