Yume Tamashi



6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info



Dolly , dear , sissy , baby , child




24 of June




Dream Demon







Brother / twin : 
Yume is the eldest,Ryo is the youngest.They used to have parents before they died but they don't remember at all now.They have a fusional relationship with each other , they can't be appart.

Father figure :
"Momo" a cursed Incubus trapped in a plush.

Yume appear to be a short and pale litlle girl , is mistaken a lot for a child and treated like one.She have a small and fragile frame , small feets and tiny hands.Yume have really fair skin and two beauty moles (one under her left eyes ,the other one on the right side of her mouth).Her eyes are a pitch black with blue reflect with stars and sparkles.,She has tight lenght black hair who curl a bit on the high on the side she has a case of very bad hairbed.Her hair has blue reflect and stars and sparkles in it.Se dresses in various clothes but she prefer cute and frilly one , she love cute clothes especially dresses she wear them short with a lot of cute accessories and lace.She rarely or never wear pants she don't feel comfortable it stick to her curves way too much and she don't want to attract too many attention.But if it's cute enough she may wear it.

Yume is a calm and reserved person , she attract a lot of attention since she is cute .
She doesn't people to notice her , it make her anxious and lower her self esteem witch is actually really low.She tend to hide behind people she trust witch a lot of people find adorable.Du to her kind and gentle nature she hardly say no when other  asked her to do something , they abused it sometime but she is to scared and shy to refuse it.Pretty embarressed when sexual conversation is aborded it's not like she didn't do it it's just too embarassing for her to talk about it with other.
She hardly ever loses her cool, and she usually never gets excited or fired up about anything ( expect when she is relaxing and go out with friends )she is  not very approachable and doesn't make friends easily. She rarely shows emotions; as such, she usually ends up giving a cold impression to others. Her manner of speaking tends to be shy and reserved.She like to dress up her friends and her brother when they don't really want to do it , she kept begging and at some point she fake crying.


-Animals like her brother.But she is afraid of the big one and like the smaller one.
-Dance , she like to dance and sing she is fairly good at it.
-Sweets ,she have a very sweet tooth , her favorite are Angel food cake and Chiffon cake.


- interacting with people and made a fool of herself.
-big animals.
-clothes who are too tight.


-She bite her nails when she is anxious.

-she sometime stutter when she got too many attention , she blush easily.
-Has an extreme case of bedhair like her brother ,she will got up early so he can brush her hair.She is alsp really embarrassed about it.