


2 years, 5 months ago


Abel Moore

"Quote here..."
Name Abel Moore
Species Human (Vampire)
Height 6'0"
Age 23
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Bi
Occupation Musician
Residence NYC (Formally Louisiana)
Status [info]
Design Notes
  • stubby pointed ears
  • large nose
  • light freckles
  • beauty mark under bottom left lip
  • always wears sigil necklace

Abel wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn't shy from his emotions. He's fairly hopeful and friendly, being quite extroverted.

  • He is a newly turned Vampire. Only having less than a months worth of experience
  • Mother is a Witch that tought him various spells as a child
  • Can only turn into an Axolotl instead of a bat like your typical vampire
  • He loses his pink color when blood deprived
  • Can play piano and sing and is currently learning violin
Unlike most vampires who can turn into either bats or wolves Abel is only able to turn into an Axolotl. The cause of this is still relatively unknown though it may have come from his families aquatic witch nature.
Vampire physiology
What he does share with vampires is their innate heightened senses, enhanced strength and speed. He also has decent nightvision.
His vampirism grants him Natural immortality so long as he isn't killed by special means.
Althought he doesn't know as much as a fully trained witch or wizard Abel has learned how to perform certain spells and enchantments. He's partial to crafting charms and enchantments though he's able to preform other common spells as well.

After graduating from the school of the arts Abel planned to move to NYC in search of a career and new lively environment.

Maecenas suscipit sollicitudin lectus sed finibus. Mauris ullamcorper gravida lectus et laoreet. Proin eu elit non ligula feugiat sodales. Sed sed massa vitae nibh auctor interdum. Ut gravida sem eu leo suscipit, non ullamcorper dui cursus. Maecenas vel lobortis massa. Fusce sagittis metus massa, et tempus orci convallis eu. Donec non tortor rhoncus, consequat mauris vitae, placerat erat. Duis semper, metus vel bibendum interdum, felis sapien placerat mi, eget fringilla lectus quam sit amet arcu. Maecenas maximus nulla non nisi rutrum, non vulputate tellus ornare. Fusce quis tincidunt ex. Sed vitae sollicitudin odio. Quisque lacinia placerat efficitur.

Pellentesque dictum, dolor nec lacinia venenatis, orci purus fermentum ante, eget semper metus nunc eu ex. Nullam non quam ullamcorper, ornare lorem ac, tincidunt urna. Quisque suscipit ornare tortor eu sagittis. Ut luctus mauris a pellentesque hendrerit. Donec tincidunt pharetra malesuada. Vivamus blandit dolor faucibus justo pretium, a elementum odio aliquam. Duis volutpat vitae purus at facilisis.

The Monster Squad
Jophiel "Jo"

An Archangel whose spending a short time away from Heaven in NYC as an impromptu "vacation".


A Dullahan