
2 years, 6 months ago





Name: Id
Age: 20
Species: Human-Forest spirit Orientation: Bisexual
Gender: Female (she/her)

It's not as scary being adventurers when you're around!


Id started her journey as a little witch and a shared adventure made her grow.

Not everything is as easy going as her homeland make it seem, but compared to other world, her land is quite ydillic.


Id is a shy little witch, who grew up slightly isolated from her peers. She is very scolarly and obedient, as she was told how to become a witch and run the house by her adoptive mother.

Her first taste of independance was when her adoptive mother noticed her resonance with magic. She sent her to Castele to learn magic and she grew slightly less afraid of the outside. Though after the old witch passed away, she stayed in the forest, being the only healer in miles for several small settlements all around the forest.

When Aresis showed up, her world was turned upside down. She couldn't figure out what to do with such a flirty, hyper confident man in her house. As they went on an adventure, she opened up and also became more relaxed around him.

Positive traits
  • Patient, Kind, Motivated
Negative traits
  • Gullible, Fearful



Id was born deep in Elderwood, her mother Yeleigh is a forest spirit who got fond of a lumberjack who tried to do his best to take the wood he needed and not anymore. They met when the lumberjack found a baby bird on the forest floor and Yeleigh came over to take care of the fledgling. After months of back and forth in the forest, the human got accepted in the unseen village, and Id was born soon after. Unfortunately an illness took the lumberjack's life suddenly, and Yeleigh feeling so distraught and thinking that the same could happen to her daughter, she left her at a small village near Castele. A witch took her in and raised her, teaching her a type of witchcraft which resembled alchemy, and when her magic powers were more obvious, she sent her to Castele to learn how to control hers, a few times a week.


Id took in Aresis, a stranger who hailed from Al Maajik, who got assaulted by something in the forest. She nursed him back to health, and he apparently took a liking to her, he convinced her to leave her hometown to go adventuring and so they left.

They went to the mountain and met a couple of girls, Shiki and Leira, who are totally human, yes. They went together in a cave to defeat an iron golem, they found treasures and...a talking sword? They left it alone and went on their journey to Port Puerto. They separated for a short while, Id watched Aresis make incredible food and clothes.

They travelled to Al Maajik all together, though Shiki simply could not handle the heat, and so she stayed in a cool underground cave. Though as they were exploring the desert, a djinni showed up, claiming to have a bounty on Aresis. Id fled with Aresis's lamp as per his request and she stayed in his home. He physically died, but his soul came back in his lamp. Now at an impasse, Id grabbed her companions and went back to Castele, she left the girls to go at the peak of the mountain, while she went into the Elder Forest.


Id grows to be a great healer and alchemist, and she also grows physically to peak at 7'2 in her 40's. Aresis and Id explore vastly different wolrds thanks to an artefact.

Eventually she will end up in the settlement of Astera, her elemental magic is non existent except for her healing earth magic, which is less effective. She has to pick up a weapon to best wyverns in this world.


Design notes

Her left eyes has a white iris, she hides it with her hair as it used to put off people.

Always been chubby and will always be even as she grows taller.

Usually wears modest clothes, especially during her early part of her life (10-30), but she let up later on and wears clothes that reveal her shoulders and cleavage on occasion.


Aresis - Husband

They had a rocky start, but they slowly got used to eachother, bringing out good things out of eachother and correcting some behaviors. They eventually fell in love, and they kept stumbling upon new adventures as time passes.

Shiki - Friend

Aresis and Id met her alongside of Leira in the mountains. Shiki is more reserved, yet knowledgable and wise. Still, sometimes she makes odd comments, and she leaves during the night to do who knows what!

Leira - Furiend

Leira was adventuring with Shiki when they joined Aresis and Id, Leira is much more bold and noisy, and oh so strong! Id can't help but find her cute, even if she can lift a cow over her head!

Yeleigh - Mother

Id's biological mother who left her at a doorstep, fearing the same fate her husband suffered. While Id lived in the forest, she looked after her, and they eventually got reunited.