Octavian Browne ⚠



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Octavian Browne | OCK-tave-ee-in BRR-ow-n


Dr. Hotavian





date of birth

October 8



relationship status







He literally doesnt need to wear glasses at all


copied and pasted from da because im lazy
| Name |

Octavian Browne

 | Birthday / Age |

October 8 / 27

| Gender |


| Height / Weight |

6'0" / 177 lbs


| Personality | 

Intelligent : Very smart and has a good memory for a vast amount of things. He is most intelligent with medical information and is very proud of his knowledge of previously being a surgeon; ask him about something he will most likely talk your ear off.

Manipulative : When he really wants something he will go to all lengths to get it, no matter how small or big it is. He is willing to trick people if means necessary.

Charming : He is good with words and knows how to use them when he wants to. Naturally charming, but usually only like this when he wants something.

Reserved : He doesn't like to be the center of attention and it makes him uncomfortable. Octavian would rather be rather one-on-one or in a small group. He will escape the situation or pass the attention to others if he is.

Headstrong : He is confident with his information and is usually always right. He is not willing to take shit from anybody and will deal with it accordingly.

Sarcastic : He can get bitter when somebody starts to annoy him and he is prone to being sarcastic and making underhanded comments.

Sneaky : Octavian tends to avoid peoples attention and honestly likes it that way. He usually just talks to people when he needs something from them.

Sharp : Octavian is witty and able to react quickly to situations. Usually pretty perceptive.

| Likes |

♔ Control : as he was training to be a head surgeon, he has a strong sense of needing to be in control at all times and prefers it that way
♔ Talking : despite not liking attention, he loves to rant about his knowledge if people seem interested
♔ Science and biology in general are his favourite things to learn about and is always curious about it
♔ Quiet : Octavian prefers quiet places and people and will gravitate to them 
♔ Dancing : he will never admit it and will deny it to anybody that asks, but he truly loves to dance

| Dislikes |

♚ Closed spaces / Big groups of people make him nervous and uncomfortable and he will avoid it at all costs
♚ Apples : he never liked the taste of apples and its the only food he really hates for no reason
♚ Sleeping has always been an issue with Octavian because of his narcolepsy
♚ People : usually he is bothered by most people in general; especially people that are nosy or rowdy
♚ When people misunderstand him


| History |

Not a lot is known about him, but he was very well known for his knowledge in biology in the medical field and later went into university to become a Neurosurgeon. By the end of high school, his sleeping conditions worsened until he was finally sent for check ups and diagnosed for being narcoleptic. This didn't settle with him very well.

He still went on with school and never told anybody about it until the end of his university years. He met up with a sketchy gang and they wiped his medical records so that he would be the Neurosurgeon he always wanted to be. It worked for awhile, he was popular and successful but one day he over worked himself and screwed over one of his surgeries.

After that incident he left one day out of the blue out of worry that his narcolepsy would be found out. He joined the gang that helped him wipe his records and then continued wiping everything else. Then as time went on, Octavian ranked up in the gangs until he became the head of the gang he joined. 

Now he is a shady back alley doctor, hoorah.


| Relationships |


| Status|


| Orientation |


| Friends |

What friends


| Other |

✦ Has narcolepsy

✦ Hates apples but doesn't really know why
✦ Has gold fang tattoos on his lips and a gold snake tattoo that wraps around his whole arm and finishes around his thumb
✦ He will not pass out standing unless he is overworked or extremely exhausted; but is likely to sleep if he sits down for a long period of time
✦ If you get him to show strong emotions he will likely get really sleepy
✦ Also known as Dr. Hotavian
✦ Knows how to work a stripper pole
✦ Left handed