Lucien Maddox



6 years, 7 months ago


20 | 5'10"


"Hey, hey, have you heard of the man who lost his entire left side? Don't worry, the doctors fixed him up real good. He's all right now. Heh, pretty funny, yeah?"

A bit of a coward and a hedonist, Lucien is in no way an ideal guilder. The summoner would rather play pranks on people than play hero, and would much rather tell ghost stories than stick his neck out for someone.

In the past, Lucien never really went out of his way to help others, often going on quests simply for the gald and the adventures. But he's not a bad person, and during his travels with the Pride, he's learned to be more caring, to rise to the challenge whenever his friends needed him.

He's still not a hero, but he's learned to be braver. And beneath the horrible pick-up lines and bad puns, one will find a fun-loving dork, who doesn't exactly know what he wants to do with his life or who he wants to be.

But he doesn't really care, Lucien is a go-with-the-flow kind of guy with little to no shame. Wearing ridiculous panda hats, telling the lamest jokes, and summoning tuna fish out of the sky, he doesn't mind being silly if it means a good laugh. But that's not all there is to Lucien, and beneath the goofy grins and his tendency to tease and flirt, is a guy who'll do almost anything to make the important people in his life happy.


The only son of Margaret and Dominic Maddox. Lucien was born and raised in the bustling city of Falone. Growing up, he was given almost everything he could ever ask for, but Falone never really felt like home to him.

And while the piano lessons, masked balls, and hunts seemed like paradise to some, it just wasn't the life he wanted. Lucien wanted to go on adventures, learn magic, and see the world. So when the "utter disappointment" turned 18, he left home and joined the guild.


He has a deck of cards he uses to summon his animals. His strongest summon is a grizzly bear, but Lucien can't control it completely yet.