Zhinu Taykh



2 years, 6 months ago


Zhinu is an Electric Wolf


  • Name: Zhinu  Taykh
  • Gender: Female
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Birthday: June 11th
  • Age: 13 years
  • Species: Electric
  • Blood Type: AB-
  • Orientation: Bisexual
  • Nicknames: Zinny

  • Pack: Tanlin Clans.
  • Rank: Pack Member

Zhinu is a playful wolf who likes to crack jokes and is rarely seen upset or frowning. She is pretty innocent and naive but she knows and understands more than she initially lets on, often trolling and teasing her brother to get a rise out of him. She is very welcoming but can be quite meek and submissive at times, primarily because of her memories from within the Tanlin Clans but eventually is able to break out of her shell with help from Alasaya and Lorien. She will often push through her fears and will sometimes raise her voice when she feels like someone is being an idiot and they need to be reminded of what the moral thing to do is, though she isn't above a little bit of trolling.



Zhinu has all the moves and abilities of her species and sex.


Zhinu was born in the Tanlin Clans after Tirio to their father Jroh. Their mother was never in the picture as she didn't want pups and was forced to have Tirio and Zhinu. After the birth of their daughter, Jroh got into an argument with her and she promptly left the pups with him. Jroh did his best to be a good father for the two pups and eventually was able to get away from the Clans with the two of them, though sadly after running into Fixo, he had to go back and claim that his pups got stolen but he was killed anyway for abandoning the Clans.
Zhinu notices that Tirio is staring at his paws in shock and horror and asks her brother if he is alright. Tirio tells Zhinu that he feels like he got Ravanu drastically wrong and she is only mildly surprised. She admits that she has felt that Tirio kept jumping to conclusions about him without really trying to understand Ravanu. Tirio isn't surprised that Zhinu knew what he was referring to.

Jroh - father
Unknown mother
Tirio - Brother
Older Sister

Likes: N/A

Dislikes: N/A

Fears: N/A


  • Theme Song: N/A
  • Voice Claim: Unknown
  • Quote: N/A