Ophydius Gorgon



6 years, 11 months ago


Ophydius Gorgon

"Do I look like I'm kidding? ... Please don't answer that."


Name || Ophydius Gorgon
Alias ||
Gender || Male
Age || ???
Sign ||
Ethnicity || Greek
Occupation ||
Status ||
Theme ||



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tincidunt ultricies lacinia. Nullam consectetur sodales tellus, sed bibendum ex mattis tempor. Phasellus vitae semper quam, nec euismod leo. Vestibulum congue pellentesque hendrerit. Donec tincidunt velit elit, id porta nulla blandit sit amet. Praesent sagittis et dui eget lobortis. Suspendisse feugiat nunc eget purus lacinia, id ornare sapien sagittis. Mauris at sollicitudin neque.

In lacus neque, eleifend et condimentum ac, luctus vitae erat. Suspendisse venenatis ullamcorper imperdiet. Sed suscipit varius nunc ut facilisis. Sed tincidunt, lectus vitae lobortis mollis, leo metus molestie neque, quis aliquet purus sapien vitae tortor. Quisque a dolor ullamcorper, bibendum lorem quis, ullamcorper neque. Ut a placerat ipsum. Pellentesque lacus dolor, vestibulum et massa vel, pharetra eleifend velit. Curabitur id varius tortor. Vestibulum commodo gravida diam, in dictum lacus. Nam efficitur volutpat ultricies. Aliquam erat volutpat.


All 5 snakes on his head speak separately and can even argue among themselves. They do have very similar/ the same personality however and even share the same tone of voice which is that of their original carrier.

Unlike his 'sisters', Ophydius can and does grow hair. It used to be light brown almost blond but now grows a dark green almost matching his snakes.

All 5 of his snakes are Boomslangs.

Getting the snakes on his head was a rather painful and messy task that left his scalpel with large scars. Because of this he constantly wears a hat to hide them.


The sky.




Story Summary(Horrible WIP)

Though economically comfortable Ophydiuss lfe wasn't exactly easy or fun. The only son of a general, his mother died in childbirth, so he was rose by by an absent father and his second wife. Since he was young he had recurrent dreams were he could fly.

Confronting his father about his mother he told him his mother did not die in childbirth but in fact was killed a few hours later by his own hand. When asked why his father explained that a lot like him, Ohpydius was in fact born with wings. In a panic, his mother had deemed both of them demons and attempted to kill the child which was when his father struck and killed her to protect him. His wings however had been long since cut out as had his fathers all to distance his family from their ancestor Geryon.

Many years later his father passed away in war, because of this and many other things his step mother took control of all his riches and vanished the young man out of his birthright. Shortly after he had been kicked out and with fear he would come back to hurt her family, the woman sent a few soldiers to truck him down and killed him. Running away from his persecutors he crossed paths with two hooded ladies who claimed to want and help him, scared but in no place to turn down help he agreed to follow them and was promptly taken to Fantasm Island where he himself became a Gorgon.

Custom Header


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar.

Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat. Nulla vel dictum est, in feugiat augue. Fusce ullamcorper elit mauris. Ut eleifend velit dignissim eros finibus cursus sed in augue. Quisque arcu lacus, cursus nec erat nec, blandit laoreet lorem. Sed luctus facilisis vehicula.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar.

Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat. Nulla vel dictum est, in feugiat augue. Fusce ullamcorper elit mauris. Ut eleifend velit dignissim eros finibus cursus sed in augue. Quisque arcu lacus, cursus nec erat nec, blandit laoreet lorem. Sed luctus facilisis vehicula.




[ Parasite ]


[ 'Sister'/ Motherly Figure ]
Since he grew up without his mother, Euryale quickly became a positive thing in his life and replaced the horrible image of females he had growing up... that is at last until something pisses her off. Ophydius is convinced beyond belief Euryale is another person entirely when she gets mad, though since that is not very often they both get along rather well.


[ 'Sister' ]


[ One Sided Lover ]
As time has gone by Poseidon powers have been diminishing, despite this he still rules a large portion of the sea, he was also the one who gave the Gorgons the island they live in and helped protect it from humans. Though his snakes still share feelings with the god, Ophydius himself wants nothing to do with him. He finds the man interesting but his blunt and direct approaches make him feel more stalked than admired. Despite this the deity keeps trying to get his attention and has been trying for seemingly centuries. Both his sisters and his snakes have been attempting to play matchmaking with the two of them but failed every time, mostly due to his own stubbornness.

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