Lumi Älskling



2 years, 6 months ago



Full NameJapanese NameNicknamesParty Name
Lumi Älskling ルミ・エスクリン
(rumi esukurin)
"lum-lum""Icy Buds"

6000+♀ Female
175 cm (5'7")81 kg (178 lbs)Elemental DeityTalvehtia Region

Cryo: Lumi has unlimited control over the cryo element, which implies getting things colder or create cold elements out of thin air. Her power levels allows to violate thermodynamic laws within her limited range.Luxuriae Fidem

Other information

Status: Alive
Occupation: Deity
Birthdate: December 21st
Relatives: None
Affinities: Mei (interest) ; Melia (friend) ; Iblis (rival)

Principles: Luxury and Faith


Lumi has ascended into godhood in times immemorial, when the laws of the lands had still yet to be written. Because of her excellent mastery of the cold and ice, it was decided that she would become one of the elemental deities, along with Melia and Iblis at the time, as the cryo god. She is the second oldest god roaming on the mortals' lands, between Melia and Iblis, and the three are part of the original elemental deities that have yet to be replaced.

She established the Talvehtia region, which is barren of any heat or warmth. This uninhabitable place however did end up becoming the land of the many who are accommodated to the cold and are faithful to their deity of ice. The rumour goes that the stronger the faith is, the easier it is to get through the sheer cold of the region. People with Cryo elemental allogenes can also withstand the region's harsh temperatures.

She is childhood friends with Melia and Iblis, however the latter isn't very amicable with her. Lumi is known to be a god on her own, barely relying on others because of her upbringing prior to her ascension, however she still deeply trusts Melia and even confess her deepest thoughts and feelings to her, every couple of weeks when they give themselves a scheduled rendezvous. She used to have feelings for Melia prior to her ascension, but they disappeared as she was confident it was just part of the Principle of Luxury she inherited.


Lumi is a kindhearted, yet lustful god of ice who takes care of her people like her children, maybe too much at times. Known to be only friends with Melia, not everyone really takes her seriously despite being the third strongest entity in the mortal realm. She lives carefree and sometimes have an exhibitionist attitude, she acts like a horny teenager a good amount of times before she catches herself up. Only Melia seems to really trust her.

She has grey hair with icy blue eyes, a pale skin. She appears to have large hips and legs for her stature, which is a feature that can be found across the Talvhetian population to stand up in the cold and the very high snowfield. She seems to be wearing huge ice crystal earrings.

Her deity dress seems to be ornamented with bright blue crystals of ice, which compliments her eyes. Her attire is mostly white and blue navy, under the dress can be found a rather sporty leotard that ends in shorts for more mobility. 


Mei Liyué Futsunomita:
Lumi seems to have found interest in the protagonist Mei, making inappropriate remarks and actions in front of her even in the presence of others. She doesn't point out if she actually has feelings for her or if she is purely acting out of lust. She later confesses to Melia that she is indeed having feelings for her, and Melia points out the coincidence that Mei may become the next Electro deity in the future, similar to how she fell in love with Melia before they both became gods. Lumi doesn't realise how old she is and how young Mei is also, but it doesn't prevent her from making advances moving forward.

Eventually, Lumi stays around Mei and has seemingly forgotten her divine duties.

Melia Dianli:
Lumi is childhood friends with Melia. In the past, she used to be just a frail snowflake that Melia ended up taking care of when she was a child. Eventually, Lumi gained a human form thanks to the Moon Goddesses, and grew up with Melia, who looked of similar age to her, if not a bit younger. As they became teenagers, Lumi started to develop feelings towards Melia, because of how much time she spends with her and how dependent she feels. Both of them have ascended to godhood around that time, however Melia doesn't seem to pick up on the details and advances that Lumi makes, which ends up making her frustrated. Lumi starts distancing herself from Melia right before getting into adulthood and founded her own town in the middle of the polar tundra region. Eventually, she comes to the conclusion that the Principle of Luxury she has inherited made her fall in love with Melia. She starts getting close with Melia again and confesses everything that goes in her life, similar to what a best friend and a confidant would do.

The disappearance of Melia actually makes Lumi leave the Talvehtian region to look for her.

When Lumi used to be a teenager, Iblis appeared, as Melia's tiny goat pet. Lumi enjoyed petting and playing with Iblis alongside Melia. Similar to how Lumi has earned a human body, eventually when Iblis grew up and became mature enough, he gained a human form, much younger than the two. Iblis became bullyish towards Lumi but still had affection towards Melia. Lumi and Iblis have always seen each other like friendly rivals, however they really have a hard time getting along because of polar opposite personalities. Eventually, they ended up becoming the opposite elemental gods of each-other; Lumi being of ice, and Iblis being of fire. The both of them are on good terms, despite Iblis being very condescending, Lumi doesn't mind.

Lumi has managed to beat Iblis for the first time once, after Melia's disappearance because of how determined she was to find her.