Odeletta Solaria



6 years, 8 months ago


Odeletta, or Odie as she's more commonly called, is by far, the best, if not the greatest mechanic in all of the Great Expanse.  In fact, if you ask her, there's no one else who can build a better desert buggy in all of Jo'Arca than her (but that's all just a matter of personal opinion).  She's usually seen elbow-deep in pits of grease and rusty heaps of discarded Shooter junk bits that Eddie picks up.  Odie has an energetic and dynamic personality, but is egotistical when it comes to building her machines.  She can also be a bit petty when someone disrespects or insults her work.  Eddie often has to corral her back when this happens.  Others who witness their interactions say that Eddie and Odie are near identical in personalities, to which the two vehemently deny.

Odie came to work for Eddie several years ago after she witnessed him demonstrating his explosives at a market while looking for clients.  She became enamored with his work and demanded that he employ her.  Eddie was put off by her pretentious nature and immediately denied her.  She followed him back to his workshop in the Whispering Ravine.  There, she waited on the other side of the gates calling and demanding to be let in.  Basically becoming the most annoying little desert screech owl for Eddie.  It took an entire week before Eddie couldn't take it anymore and Odie was finally let in.