Lorraine Alice Gerrutali



6 years, 8 months ago


Name: Lorraine Alice Gerrutali

Nickname: Lorry, Lora

Gender: Female

DOB: February 25th

Zodiac: Stellmalli

Age: 8

Height: 3'9 ft

Weight: 7.3 stone

Build: Skinny and short

Element: Water (Internalised)

Class: None (Child)

Location: Keriik Village

Occupation: Student

Weapon(s): None

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Lorraine is a curious and kind girl, despite being a little rough and adventurous. She likes to try new things and also pick up things she really shouldn't (like animals). Her curiosity would have likely gotten her killed by now if not for others intervening. She is however, getting slightly more cautious. She likes sea creatures of all kinds, and always wants to keep what she finds as pets (but is never allowed). She likes to watch the surfers when they surf and the way the Borbles float on the waves. She's often positive and rarely shows her sadness, instead she keeps her distance and goes quiet only to cry when no one's looking.



Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REZfwolK8hw


- Her powers allow her to make orbs of water that she likes to capture sea life in and look at them with. 

- Collects seashells to make necklaces and crafts.

- Loves Borbles a lot and wants one for herself one day.