PENDING's Comments

Hello, I wanna offer art and also I like these guys

I wanna offer in total 5 drawings :O you can choose headshot, half o full body

ohh your art is super cute!! ill definitely take that!! would you mind doing halfbodies for the 4 in here?

and a full of ?? : 0

Sure!  They look fun to draw :D I will DM when I finished!

Can you pls put in the characters I want “pending”?

Done! no rush just keep me updated~

btw your designs are so cool dude, I'm in love! You think we can do an art trade in the future?

aww ty!! im actually just throwing up a bunch of old designs i found in my folders and didnt want to let rot lol-- id love to do a trade sometime tho!!

Hi!! It's been a while so I wanted to check in and see how it's going!

actually I almost finished xD I think I will have the drawings the 17 - 18, probably tomorrow 

Oh awesome!!! I'm excited to see them!!

another check-in! its been a bit hows it coming along?

Check your inbox :DD