Tbn's Comments

Hiya! Thank you for the chance in the adoption of this OC ;0 đź–¤


I would like to adopt him because he immediately caught my attention. I recently started working on my new universe in which I still miss many characters and that's where he would fit perfectly.

I really like hes simple, yet unique design and I think it would be nice to draw.

I would probably use him as one of the main characters in the universe. He would be part of the stories about my universe, and of course he would appear in the comic I want to make as the end of the universe.

Regardless of your decision, thank you for taking the time to read my message and have a nice day! ^^

This design would make a great creature for my worldbuilding project. Building a sort of custom "monster manual" has been an idea in the back of my mind, and this could help me start!

..... mystical and sinister! I want to adopt it!