


2 years, 6 months ago


My fursona.

Design Notes: • Spots/pattern doesn't need to be exactly like the ref. As long as it looks vaguely similar it's fine.
• Piercings aren't optional. Feel free to change up the colors of them and they don't have to all be the same color either.
• I prefer that he's given clothes when drawn full/half body but it's not a requirement since I don't have a clothes ref or anything. If you do draw clothes feel free to have him wearing basically whatever so long as it isn't anything super feminine.
Gender: Trans guy
Pronouns: he/him and it/its
Species: Domestic dog (Chinese crested)
Age: 20s
Height: 5' 0"
Sexuality: Gay
Likes/Interests: Animals, video games, plushies, Halloween, vulture culture
TL;DR - Outwardly pretty calm, actually very nervous and socially awkward. Passive and quiet. More relaxed with friends. Chronically tired and pretty stupid lmao

Quiet and mostly just kinda keeps to himself for the most part. Always tired no matter how much sleep he gets. Comes off as fairly chill but is actually nervous basically all the time. He's just sort of alright at hiding it.
Anxious about social situations and pretty awkward when trying to make conversation but happy to make friends if somebody makes an effort to get to know him. Always willing to just listen to someone talk or go on about their interests or even vent to him.
Sensitive to rude or mean comments and can take things too literally even if someone is just joking around. Passive and very nonconfrontational.
Slow to learn new skills most of the time. This is mostly due to how forget he is. Also just kinda dumb overall.
Once he's comfortable around someone, he becomes more playful and generally cheerful around them. Can be talkative with friends and tends to ramble on about his interests or overshare. Physically affectionate and cuddly once he really gets close to someone. Pretty clingy once he's attached to someone and develops crushes way too easily.

Overall his style would probably best be described as punk and/or edgy.

I'm not at all picky about his clothes though at all since he just kind of throws on whatever sometimes when he's lazy. I only ask that he isn't drawn in anything very feminine or dresses/skirts.

Some things might typically wear are t-shirts, denim vest, flannel, combat boots, ripped jeans, dark colored shorts, typical punk/edgy accessories like spike bracelets, chokers, gloves, or masks. Might sometimes include a small pride related accessory like a rainbow and/or trans flag pin or bracelet. If you want to get creative, throw random edgy/punk/liberal patches onto the pants or jacket/vest he is wearing.

He generally sticks to dark colors, mostly black, dark red, or blue. He also dislikes tight clothing so most of the stuff he wears is pretty baggy on him.

His piercings aren't optional and they can be either silver or any dark color.

• Has a bad memory
• A pretty big coward. Can't watch anything too spooky like horror movies but he loves edgy/creepy things aesthetically
• Favorite colors are dark blue and dark red
• Speaks pretty monotone and can come off as blunt due to his autism.
•Bad at texting. Will probably take at least an hour to respond.
•Likes a lot of cute things. Plushies, animals, cartoons. And sappy lovey-dovey things like romance books and Valentine's day.