Suna Kogake



2 years, 5 months ago


Basic Information

  • Name: Suna Kogake
  • Pokemon Species: Clamperl
  • Gender/Pronouns: Male/Him
  • Age: 21
  • Birth Date: 06/15
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 120 lbs.

Student Information

Student Year: 2nd Year College

Major: Folklore and Mythology (Culture - History)

College Organizations: Manga Association; OCEANS

Personal Information


  • + Calm, Hidden Kindness, Observant
  • = Logical, Curious, Quiet
  • - Impassionate, Overthinker, Stubborn


Ever since he was born in Alola, Suna never really had much to worry about. Being born in a slightly well off family, he was taken care of by his single mother, as well as the community he lived with. He had plenty of people he had considered his uncles and aunts, but nothing close to a father figure. Despite this, he didn't have many friends, mostly due to having a bit of a withdrawn and quiet personality. Most of his childhood was spent going to the beach, interacting with the wildlife and reading the stories of the island's mythology. While this did net a bit of derision from the bigger boys and girls, he didn't seem to be bothered

However, he would eventually start to notice his lack of fatherhood in his life. Whether he came to question logically or emotionally, he would eventually ask his mother about the lack of a father in the family. At first, his mother completely dodged the question, often changing the subject or distracting him with something else. As he grew older, he would begin to ask about this issue more. His increasingly logical mindset would notice the dodging behaviour, though never really pressing her about it hard. In the meantime, he would do well in school, becoming one of the smarter children in his classes

Eventually, in high school, he would take finding out into his own hands. He'd started asking his mother's friends and extended family about his potential father, as well trying to find clues about it. What stood out to him the most is the fact that she never got married, even before she had him. Eventually, his search would get him to find an old love letter that his mother carelessly left behind in the house. Confronting his mother about it, he would find out that he indeed had a father, but the latter had disappeared one day. Hearing about this man cut through the boy's usual logical bound mind, becoming both incensed that this man left his mother behind, and curious as to why he disappeared in the first place. The rest of his high school, when not hitting the books, was spent seeking out this mystery man. On the eve of his graduation, he would find an angle that led to an adress in Shinjo. Having not decided on where he would go for his college years, he decided to put in an application for Shinjo. Getting accepted and gaining a scholarship, he would set out to seek answers, unaware of what he could find.

Inventory: X/5 (Please state whether the item is for battle, contest, general, or berries!)

Pokemon Information


Typing/s: Water

Ability: Shell Armor

Battle Stats:

  • Hp: 35 + 112 = 147
  • Attack: 64 + 50 = 114
  • Defense: 85 + 40 = 125
  • Sp Atk: 74 + 43 = 117
  • Sp Def: 55 + 30 = 85
  • Speed: 32 + 35 = 67
  • Total: 345 + 310 = 655


  • Water - Water Gun
  • Water - Whirlpool
  • Steel - Iron Defence
  • Water - Muddy Water(Transfer move)

Extra: Trivia about your character goes here!