


6 years, 8 months ago


Silver (M)

Fox kemonomimi

Age: 16

Personality: (+) proactive, proud, confident, natural leader, intelligent (-) self-centered, condescending, insecure, easily annoyed when he doesn't get his way, tends to find fault in others

Likes: shiny things (gem, jewel), pillows, light, warmth, nature, relaxation

Dislikes: bugs, being distrusted, disobedience, family burden, fate


Silver is born with a royal background and is supposed to live up to whatever expectations of him, while he is very intelligent and good at leading people because of his family education, he does not want to live such a live. The ideal life he wants is a serene, and common one, he wants to live in a farm or in a forest, away from competition, force, without having to be the "pride of the family". But that life he cannot have; being the only son of his family, he needs to take up the burden and help his family thrive. He works very hard, to catch up with his childhood friends who he's always compared to, but his family never seems to satisfy. Gradually he becomes more and more numb to things in life, he finds no worth in them. He smiles and laughs a lot, but more often because it's a necessity than he really feels happy, and sometimes looks at the mountains far away and imagines what lives people are living there.



I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfill our destiny, but our fate is sealed.

- Paulo Coelho

Notes on drawing:

- His tail, shirt, and scarf all have light blue grids (checkerboard pattern) on them, but it's ok to not show the grids; the pattern consists of 3 colors (ruby, orange, blue)

- His pupils are 4-pointed stars 

- His gloves have paw prints on one side (palm side)

- He has one pointy tooth, others are normal

-Pet is optional

Fluffian Species by Valyriana