


2 years, 6 months ago


Species: Octoling

Age: 26 (Splatoon 2), 31 (Splatoon 3)

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Eye Color: Blue-Green (hidden usually by her hair)

Hair Color: Red-Violet

Ink Color: Red-Violet

Height: 6' 8"

Physical Description: Strong, bulky body shape. Has bruises/cuts all over her body from fights beforehand. Some heal, some are permanent. Has hair covering her eyes most of the time, sometimes casting a shadow to have only one eye show to give an intimidating stare.

Weapon of Choice: She likes to fight without a weapon, opting to use her fists instead with punches, kick and whatnot. Ridge hands Jani a powerful set of metallic gauntlets due to her strength called the Splattercuffs. The gauntlets can use the ink in her body to power up her attacks or command attacks she wouldn't do normally like shockwaves of ink or leaving trails of ink with a certain swing of the arm. The gauntlets are very ink hungry though, so she only uses them in certain situations as her punches are enough already. If she's participating in Turf Wars though, she'll use the Dynamo Roller.

Fighting Style: A heavy hitting tank who gets up in the action to swing at her opponents with powerful attacks. Her bulky body means she can tank a lot of hits before getting down and can shrug off weak attacks if not followed up. She can be a bit slow though from her attacks so she can be easily be avoided, but can sometimes go in a fury if not taken out soon.

Personality: Jani likes to stay away from everyone most of the time, keeping an intimidating presence with her silent glares and toothy frowns. She's tough, not wanting others to cause trouble to her or whoever she keeps close, as she's not light on listening once she's pissed off. She can easily be angered and only calms once the situation simmers, someone helps her out or she ends it herself. Despite her scary presence, she wants to keep up the tough personality to protect those she cares about. She doesn't socialize much cause of this since she's mostly by herself, but if someone were to try to talk with her, maybe she can learn to soften up a little.

Hobbies: Working out, training with her team or by herself to improve her fighting, hang out in the streets; mainly by alleyways, participate in underground/private matches for cash, sometimes get into fights whether by arguments or because she was protecting someone

Favorite Foods: Likes to eats anything cooked, mostly meats with a side, whether from a restaurant or homemade

Clothing Styles: Casually seen with a biker outfit most of the time. When fighting in matches, will sometimes switch for a more fighting-oriented outfit

Interesting Traits: Due to her workout, she's shown to be very strong, being able to life very heavy objects with ease as well as being able to tank hits more. Unfortunely, this also means she has a habit of breaking more fragile things more easily if she's not careful at first. Whoops.


Damica: Annoyed when he shows up to resolve a conflict she was in, preferring to finish it herself. Doesn't chat with him much beyond that.

Sunshine: Thinks not much of her, though rarely finds her in trouble and comes around to protect her, mostly scaring them away. Sometimes chats with her to see if she's ok and nothing much, but surprised when she sticks around.

Beats: Doesn't speak with him, will most likely stay silent anyways

Vivian: Annoyed by her high energy and tries to make her go away, but can't get of her easily. Gets used to it at some point and will let Vivian chat, even if she doesn't respond much.

Mystery: Surprised seeing him protect her from harm at times, though wishes he would go away so he wouldn't get hurt himself. Sometimes sees him trying to talk with her in an attempt to help her get better at controlling her anger.

Ridge: Sometimes comes across her when doing matches or getting into fights, doing some small chat with her just to catch up. That and they'll also meet up for team meetings.

Phage: Surprised by her whenever they catch each other in the alleyways, though never questions why Phage was there in the first place and moves on. Though at times, the thought lingers in her mind. They don't talk much besides this and whenever they have team meetings.

Backstory: Jani grew up in a normal neighborhood in the Octarian cities as a kid, going to the park, having lots of fun outside and being part of a small friend group she used to cherish and make memories with. Said friend group also went to the same schools as her, which would cause them to have lots of fun together. That was, until they suddenly reached high school. They were seen as a normal group back in the older days, but as soon as they reached high school, some octolings couldn't help but bully the group to try and be superiors to them, thinking their friend group was "lame" and that they should find a better school to move to. Jani suggested that she and her friends would just ignore them, thinking it would make the problem go away. It didn't. The bullies only kept on, shoving them, calling them names and getting them in trouble for acts they didn't commit like cheating. After just surviving one year in high school, Jani realized that she wanted to find a way to protect her friends and have the bullies leave them alone. Jani thought that the way to do this...was to get stronger. So during her times in the second year, she'd use some extra time to work out, going to the gym, doing some laps, etc. With all the training she did, she even managed to grow a bit more, which surprised her friends once they realized that Jani was getting bigger. Jani thought being stronger after months of training would help her friend group, but she'd soon realize it'd make it fall apart.

During one day at year three of high school, Jani noticed her friend group being surrounded and picked on by the bullies as they tried to take their lunch money. She thought it was her chance, so she stepped up to the bullies and told them to go away, thinking her look of strength would scare them away. Only one ran off, but the others didn't. They just laughed it off, thinking she was bluffing and simply ignored her, as the leader of the bullies started to tug the money away from one of her friends, though she struggled to get it back. It wasn't enough though and soon the bully had the money, laughing at her before smacking her into the ground after she tried to reach for it. This was the last straw that ticked Jani off. After seeing that act, she clenched one of her fists really hard and swung at the bullies face, yelling as she made impact and knocking the bully into the group. Everyone was shocked. Jani looked down at the bully with a face of pure anger, yelling at him to never try that again. But then, the anger then turned into a face of pure concern once she got a closer look at what she did. The bully's face had been disfigured, broken nose, bruises around the middle of the face and bleeding from the top. He couldn't stop crying from the pain. The other bullies ran in fear of what she could do and she looked at the clenched hand, watching blood drip from her fingers. She looked at her friends, shocked and scared. With how strong Jani was, they were scared she could do something similar to them if a fight broke out. Jani wanted to say something, but all the friend group did was run away, frightened at what they just saw. After that day, Jani never saw her friends again. She felt heartbroken. At least they were safe...

After that day, Jani was later revealed to be the one who attacked the bully and was later banned from the school after deeming her "too dangerous to be around other students". Her parents caught on about what happened and shamed Jani's behavior, telling her that she might not get any more friends due to her strength looking scary to others. They made Jani feel like a freak. Despite this, she soon moved into a new school to complete her high school studies, which was 2 years of constantly being feared and feeling left out. During her last year, she noticed some ad paper suggesting high schoolers to join the octarian army. She kept one of the copies around and after finishing her studies, she leaves her home in the middle of the night at age 20 to join the octarian army, leaving a good-bye letter to her parents and taking her stuff in a bag.

She joined the army and soon trained her way into becoming some of the strongest octolings they had on the team. She figured that if she was gonna use her strength, she was gonna use it in a way that made sense. Perhaps her strength would gain respect from the other octolings she trained with. At age 22, she hears news of an octarian team's outcome of a fierce battle, one which no one survived, except for one. Ridge. Ridge took notice of Jani's strength after becoming leader of the octoling group and trained her under her command. During one of the sessions, Ridge wanted Jani to expose her anger by using a test dummy as an example, telling Jani to think of the one thing she wants to destroy the most. Jani didn't want to, as she felt it was unnecessary. Ridge didn't care and wanted Jani to let it out, pushing her to think of something that'd she want to smash into oblivion. The words that Ridge kept repeating soon caught up into her mind, circling around as she started to think of the bully, the very reason she was here at all. Her anger came back. And for a moment, Ridge watched in surprise as Jani tore the test dummy to shreds, ripping it apart with her bare hands and punching it constantly with loud screams. After minutes of test dummy torture, Ridge smiled and told Jani to "keep up the good work". Jani soon snapped out of it. This is what she feared. Her anger taking over. Jani realized this and found ways to keep herself calm as she kept up her anger act with Ridge so that way she wouldn't be disappointed in her, as she feared she disappointed too many people before.

At age 24, the events of Splatoon 1 took place, where Ridge and Jani watched in surprise as Damica took back the Great Zapfish after finishing off the octarian army along the way. Ridge realized she needed to work hard if she wanted the agents out of the picture for their next attack, while Jani was simply concerned about Ridge's constant anger and hate towards Inklings, especially Agent 3. During this time, she soon meets Flare, who becomes sort of a "training partner" as her and Jani both were now Ridge's closest trainees that she wanted to make stronger for a team she would soon make. At age 26, Phage and Tyka join the team as well and train under her wing while Splatoon 2 was happening, where Ridge thought to go solo to ruin Agent 4's plans on getting the Great Zapfish back. After that plan failed, Ridge decided that the octarian army was too weak to take care of the agents and to rule the world, so she and her crew left. Jani would later become the sort of "tank" role of the group as all members tried to take down the agents one more time.

After this grand plan failed and Ridge reforms herself to become better, Jani moved into Inkopolis, getting an apartment to live in by herself as she tries to get accustomed with living in Inkopolis, as well as controlling her strength as during her life before, she didn't need to hold back. She'd show off her strength in certain places of Inkopolis, making sure no one would get hurt ever again, not from an attack or from her. At least now, life's back to normal.