Desiree Owens



2 years, 9 months ago


- Birthday January 4th
- Gender  Agender
- Sexuality Demisexual
- Height 5'9"

Personality:: Desi is a free spirit, enjoying spending time outdoors, and constantly expressing herself in various forms, I.e her clothing choices and constant hair dye. She has a love of rainbows of all kinds, enjoying the colors but prefers to wear dark clothing that is easy to move in. She enjoys picking flowers and decorating her hair, her clothes, her house and her pokemon in them, often making flower crowns for herself and Hanna. She wears a bandage on her arm to cover a large scar from a childhood accident though she personally doesn't mind the scar, she wouldn't want people to ask about it as its a terribly long story that she is far too lazy to explain.
Desi enjoys sketching Pokemon and other things.

Desi enjoys helping people and has an overly kind heart that is often taken for granted by people around her. Dessi remains kind until you tick her off to the point of no return. If anyone reaches the point of no return don't expect Desi to be the same person to you. You'll learn of her deadly side, that can make you shut down and collapse in on yourself.

Desi has few close friends as not many people can handle her constant mood swings and wild nature.

History:: As a young child Desi was adventurous, always outside and enjoying Nature. Shes slept in flower fields, swam in crystal clear waters watching the waterfall at the same time. Shes always had a love for Pokemon but was never able to have one as a child, though they had a Pachirisu that came and went as it pleased after befriending and helping a young 7 year old Desi. Desi's mother owned a flower shop and later on was daycare worker and a breeder while her dad was a Business man. Her parents had lost their first child, Desi's brother, in an accident that her parents never told her about in detail but, due to her brother's passing, Desi's parents were terribly protective of her, which only made Desi more adventurous since she knew it wasn't allowed. Desi had always wanted to be a Pokemon Ranger from a young age but her parents had always told her she was too delicate and that being a ranger wasn't a good choice. (more too come)

Rachel Eluned
Current girlfriend of 5 years <3

Current Pokemon Team

Fletchinder -
Hanna - Female - lvl. 34
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Adamant
Moves: Ember | Roost | Razor Wind | Agility

Gloom - Delora - Female lvl. 33
Ability: Stench
Nature: Timid
Moves: Acid | Sleep Powder | Mega Drain | Stun Spore

Eevee- Phoebe - Female lvl. 33
Ability: Adaptability
Nature: Jolly
Moves: Quick Attack | Swift | Bite | Refresh 

Houndour- October - Male lvl. 9
Ability: Unnerve
Nature: Lax 
Moves: Ember| Howl | Leer | Smog

Kecleon- Oatmeal - Male lvl. 6
Ability: Color Change
Nature: Gentle
Moves: Ancient Power | Lick | Scratch | Bind

Purrloin- Leia - Female lvl. 16
Ability: Limber
Nature: Quiet
Moves: Scratch | Growl | N/A | N/A

PC Pokemon

- Meowth

- Vulpix

- Combee

- Glameow 

- Fennekin

- Growlithe 

- Furfrou