


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Roxanne
Nickname: Roxy
Gender: Cis Female
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Birthdate: 28/05/2010
Age: 16

Adrian and Donatello (adoptive fathers)
Master Splinter: Grandfather
Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo: Uncles

Personality: Moody, attention starved teen. Roxy is very secretive, for the most part, and thinks nobody understands her, and she tends to get involved into dangerous situations to get attention from her peers, mostly her super busy fathers. She's very hardworking and easily bruised, but she masks this with a tough facade. Despite this, she has a very soft, caring side, and wishes nothing but safety and happiness to her family. Has a very good sense of humor, and is quite sarcastic, and she possesses determination to do whatever gets on her mind. 


(This is based of an AU!) Roxanne was born twenty years after the mutant explosion set in New York, and was abandonend by her original parents, growing up in an orphanage. She was quite bossy, but cheerful and sweet as a child, hoping to leave the orphanage one day to a loving family. Although, the couple who adopted her weren't exactly the most conventional parents. 

One of the parents, Adrian, was an explorer and a part time doctor whenever he had the chance and the other father, Donatello, was a mechanic and a scientist, both quite busy and absent, but still extremely loving to her and trying very hard to get some time for her, so Roxanne was raised by her grandfather and uncles. 

She grew up to be a very skillful ninja, but quite rebellious, getting herself into trouble to get attention from her fathers and the rest of the family. Roxy must realize that this is not the way to get a heatlhy relationship with her family, and that, even though they are busy, both Adrian and Donatello love her dearly and think the world of her. 

She later comes to possess Adrian's pendant, after his passing some years in the future.