Yuuki Richard



6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Yuuki Richard (Pronounced in a french way, Rish-ard)




SHSL Graffiti Artist


21st August




5 foot 5

Personality Type



Yuuki is the perfect definition of a jerk, asshole, anything negative you can think. He does graffiti for the spite of vandalism, and has committed quite a few crimes in his past. There's speak of him actually shooting someone, but he seems to get defensive when that gets brought up. He'll do anything to make anyone upset with him, and just generally loves giving off a bad aura. He also doesn't mind hurting anyone if he gets what he wants, in fact he'll go to great extents to get what he wants. He's someone who is NEVER to be trusted.

Yuuki's also known to be a very conniving person, he's been known to have a knack for tricking people into giving him what he wants, and he's also been known to use people, for many more reasons than one. Overall he's just bad news. His father is Japanese and his mother is French Canadian. Yuuki grew up in Montreal, and overall learning how to speak French and English fluently throughout his childhood (However, he tends to lean more on the french side of curse words when he's angry, it seems to prove 'more effective' in his eyes). He had a passion for art, and for causing trouble. He discovered his graffiti styled artistic talent when him and his (probably drunk) friends got a few spray-paint cans and drew some pretty...offensive graphics on the side of the high school his friend attended. This grew into a much bigger part of his life later on as he realized how this was both a passion to him and it made other people quite pissed in a matter of fact. Despite how offensive and inappropriate his artwork is, there's no doubt that he has talent for it.

In his killing game, He was in the final three, and he managed to trick one of the final students into killing the other, promising that they'd both (him and the killer) get out. However, he then killed off that remaining student and got out free afterwards, seeing how he only had one more obstical. Backstabbing at it's finest.