
6 years, 8 months ago


General Statistics

Name: Utsuro

Nickname: Forest Maiden, Maiden of Aokigahara, Spirit of Aokigahara, Lady of The Forest

Age: Approx. 1100 years old (Forest developed in 864 AD--she came about with it)

Gender: Female, She/Her

Physical Characteristics

Utsuro has a semi-transparent body with pale, almost white skin and long black hair. Her eyes are devoid of pupils though she's still somehow able to see and process light. She stands at approximately 5'4 (163 cm) and she has a very petite, rectangular body type. 

She wears a slightly non-traditional kimono and hakama. Her kimono dips a bit lower than most due to its looseness around her body and her ominous, ghostly appearance is amplified by her long furisode sleeves which very slightly detach from her kimono, held by a few threads. Her hakama is an andon bakama, or lantern hakama, and does not split at the center, but instead resembles a pleated kimono. 


Utsuro is mostly quiet, reclusive type. She mostly keeps to herself and she prioritizes the forest over everything else around her. Despite her off-putting personality, Utsuro cares a lot about others to the point of nigh self-destruction and debilitation. She cares for the animals of the forest and, even if she can't be seen, she tries to watch over and protect those who enter the forest. She can be incredibly defensive when it comes to her home and can even be a little hostile, however, it's highly difficult to genuinely rile her up. For the most part, she's exceptionally asocial and will often disappear and reappear as she pleases to avoid strong connections.

Her dislikes are: 
the annual sweep
loud talking
the smell of alcohol/drugs/etc
police force
loud noises
death jokes

Her likes are: 
natural formations
animals in general


Utsuro is the spirit of the Aokigahara forest, born with the forest around 1100 years ago. Initially having the role as a mere resident and guardian of the forest, things began to change as the forest became shrouded in death and misfortune. Throughout its history, Aokigahara has been seen as an ideal spot for oyasute, the abandoning of older or weaker relatives to let them starve, and committing suicide. Due to the forest's vastness, (approximately 13.5 square miles, and the fact that it's practically a labyrinth of greenery and hidden caves, it's become an ideal spot for those who wish to die.

Aokigahara is a forest known for its mass amount of suicides which are speculated to be up to 400 a year though typically 70-100 bodies are recovered during the annual sweep. The Spirit of The Forest, who was previously just a resident of the forest, now takes on the burden of trying to talk those who enter the forest--with suicidal intentions--to continue living. Since most people can't see or hear her, most of her efforts are for naught. Because of The Forest's dark history and the mass amount of suicides, Aokigahara is also occupied by Yūrei, vengeful spirits, which only wish to drag others into committing suicide and joining them.

Her efforts are typically fruitless due to the vast outnumbering and the fact that she can't communicate with the living. As a resident and guardian, however, her main goal is to maintain the peace of the forest which gave her life. And if she can't stop people from going through with their intentions, she will, at the very least, make sure that they can rest peacefully. Her only method of doing this is to make sure the bodies aren't disturbed--which means she sometimes will guard them or go as far as to move them. She knows her efforts to stop the suicides are completely futile, so it's her last resort of sense of solace.

She hates the annual sweep which is constantly, _constantly_ disturbing the bodies in the forest and therefore disturbing the spirits in the forest. She hates when people come in to 'see' the Infamous Suicide Forest or come with their cameras and recorders, their friends and camera crews, their amateur 'ghost hunting crews'. All she wants is for the forest to be left alone and for the dead to lie undisturbed--given the peace they wished to have in life. However, the suicides and countless deaths and going against the evil spirits that reside in her forest is all very wearisome. And she's definitely tired.

More than giving the dead peace or returning Aokigahara to how it once was, she wishes for the forest to be completely destroyed. Though aware of the fact that if the forest is destroyed, she goes with it, she wants nothing more than for everything to just end. In the end, she wishes to stop the cycle of suicides by committing suicide.