
6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Ty

Age: 17

Birthday: September 22

Height: 5 foot

Nationality: welsh 

Species: fawn

Gender: male

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: gay

Personality: | curious | naive | lively | timid | compassionate | faint-hearted | boyish | altruistic |

Occupation: apprentice healer 


- autumn 

- fishing 

- stargazing 

- people who are bigger than him & make him feel safe

- pie


- grapes

- apathetic people 

- narcissism 

- hot weather 


- he doesn’t feel bad about his height (or rather lack of ) but sometimes he gets really envious of his friends when he has to ask for help to get something down for him.

- he was born on the autumn equinox and his village’s healers believe is the reason for his coloring. (His parents have deep russet and brick coloring to their fur/hair)

- his secret #1 aspiration to be one day is a dad, to others he says it’s to be the best version of himself like any happy go lucky kid would say. 

- he is very scared of jumping mice for reasons...