Fission's Comments

I would like to offer full resale of this little one.

Messaged you on discord!

I love this guy! I can offer as a swap and partial resale come Wednesday the 9th. I can do $25

Hi! While that is a really cool tb I'm going to have to pass. I ment to take this character off of offers and totally forgot (the only thing i will accept at this point is a full resale).

Hi im so sorry for the wait on a reply, i was really tempted but i think im going to have to pass!

I'll pass, sorry. :o I'm pretty picky with CS characters.

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I might consider other species, but mostly those that i've already shown interest in! :o (you can see the groups in my cs folder).

Primarily I am looking for swaps though.

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I'll pass. :o I'm not really into humanoid designs.

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What are u looking for?

Swaps, mainly! :D

The same offer goes for this tb! 

I think I will pass for now, don't think I can quite connect with that design. :o But good luck trading!

Np! Ty