


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Valentine Fairchild, Val

Appearance: Medium brown skin, thick hair usually worn in a bun. Heart shaped sunglasses, short shorts, and skates. Themes and motifs include sunsets, pink/orange, hearts, iced tea, gaming, late summer, reflection, and confidence.

She’s on the soft spoken side, but she’s sure of herself and her skills. She does trick skating and roller derby to keep active during the day and games/streams at night—usually story-driven, single-player games. Her gamer tag is “summererval.”

Relationships: Corvette (girlfriend). Val tends to be more cool and collected to Corv’s bubbly exuberance, but they both have a competitive streak.
Kandi (younger sister). Kandi tends to be very ambitious, and when the three of them get together, Val usually ends up mitigating the chaos. She also often is used as a mannequin for Kandi’s fashion design escapades.

The Story: Val and Kandi met Corvette after she ran away from home to find herself. Val beat her in a skating contest, and Corvette vowed to stay around long enough to win a rematch. She never left….

Some art ideas (not requests, just inspiration)

- gearing up for roller derby
- gaming/streaming (gamertag summererval)
- dressing up in clothes designed by Kandi
- watching the sunset
- being affectionate with Corvette

for an unfulfilled claim (Create a Character using the Aesthetic Above)

I used this moodboard!