


2 years, 5 months ago


• The Devil himself. 

The Devil himself, supposedly. According to him, anyways. Though he believes himself to be this great and terrible being; the very embodiment of evil itself... Lucilius is incredibly bad at being evil. His elaborate and fiendish plans end up actually benefiting those he seeks to torment, though this is unintentional on his part and serves to be a great source of frustration for him. Still, he is determined to prove himself as the ultimate evil. Perhaps one day he will conjure up a scheme so heinous and frightening to finally gain the respect he deserves.... but in all honesty, this'll never happen. He's just too good at well, being good. Even if he wishes not to be.

When he's not baking up an "evil" scheme, Lucilius's second hobby is being a toxic gamer. His favourite video game is Shadow the Hedgehog. He's managed to 100% complete the game. He loves it. He also plays WoW. His favourite WoW expansion is Shadowlands. Everyone calls the Jailer a bad villain but he can see what Blizzard was cooking and HE thinks the Jailer is cool anyways and everyone's just too stupid and hateful to understand what a good villain he was. He plays DotA specifically because it's not "for babies, like Lol", but in truth he got himself permanent banned for purposefully ruining the game for Iron players.