


6 years, 8 months ago



None; Male-appearing


Forest God

Forest Guardian



Alias Bidz
Ethnicity Canadian
Orientation Pansexual
Align. Chaotic Neutral

Height 1,59m | 5'2"
Build Slim
Eyes Aqua Green
Skin Light Brown w/ Vitiligo
Hair White


  • In winter, Bidz acts as a central heating system. His natural body temperature is quite high.
  • He is VERY easy to scare.
  • Bidz loves just being out in the wild for days at a time and enjoys scaring random campers and hikers.
  • He is quite physically weak, yet very resilient in his human form. The opposite is true for his spirit form.
  • His spirit-form differs from his usual appearance, though he won't show it to most people.
  • His eyes glow in the dark and his canines are pointy.
  • As a forest god, his perception is almost supernaturally heightened. He is able to sense things mortals would not be able to - such as another beings life energy -, which also pertains to his ability to see, as well as his smell and hearing.


Bidz is usually quite bright and somewhat bubbly, as well as seemingly a bit idiotic. He is often quite lazy and sleepy, a fact he attributes to needing a lot of energy as a spirit-based being. Bidz cares about the wellbeing of plants more than that of people, who he has come to somewhat hate after all of his experiences with them trying to destroy his forest. While most would describe him as very happy-go-lucky and friendly, Bidz would not hesitate to kill someone if they dared to threaten the nature he was born to protect. He will usually be seen roaming the giant boreal forest territory in the Canadian Yukon which he has been the guardian of for centuries, though he does sometimes spend time in his house in the forest and much more rarely traverses into one of the human cities or settlements for things he wants and needs. Bidz is much more modern than some of his fellow forest gods in that regard, as many of them do not possess a ‘human’ home like he does.

Bidz usually appears as a young, white-haired and green-eyed man with tan skin, though this is just his most usual human form. As he can change his form at will this can be bound to change. While most of his skin is light brown, his hands, feet and chest have lighter vitiligo-like spots. Bidz’ animal form is that of a white bunny, and while that is his most usual alternative form - including ears and a tail, which he can sport whilst in his human appearance - Bidz is one of the only forest gods who is still able to shapeshift into animal forms other than his true one after he had been chosen as a bunny. This is also the reason because of which he watches over such a big forest territory despite the bunny spirits being among the lowest of the forest god’s ranks.

Bidz’ other powers as a forest god include healing and the growing of plants. He becomes very sickly if kept apart from nature for too long, and if someone were to destroy his forest, he would die with it. Sleep and food are immediately turned into energy fueling his spirit based lifeform, and drugs like amphetamines are something he enjoys taking as they do not give him any bad side effects, but instead immediately replenish his energy.

Bidz usually dresses in a mixture of comfortable bunny or forest-themed clothes and a sort of grunge style. He likes to wear thick, oversized clothing that he can sleep in, often paired with thinner form-fitting clothes beneath. Anything that's fluffy or has a fur trim is also a win in his eyes, as well as muted colours in green, white/grey and brown tones.


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Dom. hand Right
Attitude Optimist
Archetype Campaigner
Leading trait Energetic
Biggest flaw Airheaded



Energy Drinks



Rose Moss




Wireless Headphones

Indie Rock / Grunge

Millenia ago

Bidz was born a long time ago into the mother forest that all of his kind call their place of origin, though no one aside from them knows where it’s located. He spent his first years among his fellow forest gods there - the few older ones tasked with raising the new arrivals among them, and the other young spirits like him who had come into existence not too long ago. There weren’t many spirits the same age as Bidz, as every time a forest is created a god for it is born that will live and die with it - and not a lot of forests just spring up in the matter of a few weeks. Nonetheless Bidz made fast friends with the few other gods of his age, growing up with them and awaiting the fateful day at which he would finally learn of his true animal and be assigned his own forest to guard.

Centuries ago

After travelling to the ancient Canadian Yukon Bidz started living among the land, spending his days in solemn loneliness that was only broken by brief encounters with humans every so often. Most of them, the poachers and bandits that dared to take his forest for their own, he.. got rid of. People who simply passed or didn't take more than they needed, he let be. There weren't really any humans he held contact with for more than a moment - other than the native tribes, that is. They were the first to ever come upon the forest god, hundreds to thousands of years before he would ever come across the European settlers making their way of the land.

Bidz learned to live with them, both learning from their human ways and culture and bestowing them with some of his own as long as they remained respectful of the nature he was made to protect. Thought he would have enjoyed living like this forever, the later years of human history brought with them a callousness and cruelty he had never senn before that point. Bidz watched as humans massacred each other for land, gold and possessions, and with each year that they became more vile, taking more than they needed and killing the creatures of his forest for the mere fun of it, Bidz too grew more cruel and callous - to the point of taking their life as repayment for the havoc they wreaked among nature. It was a very harsh way of dealing with the modern settlers that had come to invade the previously untouched parts of the world, and not all forest gods were as successful as Bidz was at preventing the destruction of their homes - and as Bidz had to watch, the destruction of the people who had lived in harmony with him and the land for centuries before that

Modern Times

Despite his hatred for most of humanity Bidz learned to adapt very quickly compared to the other forest gods. He picked up on the modern ways over time, to the point that he even built a human house in the more Southern parts of his forest. He eventually became much more human-like, and technology isn't something unusual to find in his home despite him not being too fond of humans. He will even venture down into the human cities from time to time in order to buy things, or advocate for the protection of his lands in a human disguise. After the loss of the friendly tribes that welcomed him he has spent the last centuries all alone - wandering the woods, protecting them on his own as humanity threatens to take them from him one day.



  • Bad Horror Movies
  • Naps
  • Snow
  • Fast Food
  • Walking Barefoot
  • Collecting things, especially animal teeth
  • People
  • Bad-bad Horror Movies
  • Cigarette Smoke
  • Oranges
  • Litter

A fox it was, he shook, afraid | I spoke no words, no sound he made | His bone exposed, his hind was lame | I raised a stone to end his pain