Java Plum



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Actual Name:





21 (24 by the time DreamLab story begins)


June 15th




Guitarist (prior to Dreamlab)


Death metal music, food, eating the nurses


Silence, soft music, getting hair brushed, sunlight

Experiment Condition:

Hair (and she) can eat you


Personality: Java Plum is one of the Lab Rats documented as being "highly dangerous, violent, and insane", which is not quite far off from the real deal. Thanks to her near-complete confinement in the DreamLab and her newly granted gluttony, she has lost a great portion of sanity, only caring about what's next on her plate. 

Her hunger appears to be endless, which has made her go so low as to destroy her door multiple times, and hunt down nurses as her prey. She has a great admiration for Broccolina as she's amazed by the latter's speed, strength, and even silly ways the green lab rat gets out of her cell so many times.

Despite this gluttony mixed with wrath, she's a lot more chill with other Lab rats, sometimes joking about helping them escape from cells (even though she CAN try, but DreamLab doesn't make it easy.)

Backstory: Back before the lab, Jasmine was a guitarist for a death metal band that toured around Dwurm. The brutal and macabre theme of their songs made them quite infamous in small bars and tight circles. She and the lead singer were constantly rumored to be together, but both debunked their rumors since they were more family-like instead of romantic.

One night, following the end of another concert, Jasmine parted ways with her bandmates. Little did anyone know that would be the last night they'd ever see each other. Jasmine was bludgeoned by an iron pipe in the back of her head and then dragged to the Dreamlab.

After forcibly ingesting one tainted java plum, the following changes took effect:

  • Her hair shifted into a terrifying monster. [A couple of nurses maaaaaaay have been eaten on the spot upon its conception]
  • Rapid metabolism [Food is needed in her cell at all times. She won't hesitate to kill for food either.]
  • Her teeth turned sharp like shark fangs [They also regenerate very quickly; however, these are the only features that regenerate]
  • Keen hunting skills [That she mostly taught herself!]
Because of this, Java Plum remains a high threat to the Dreamlab and is one of the few labrats with increased security surrounding her room to this day.


• Her hair doesn't speak much aside from low growls, but Java Plum claims to understand it and even nicknamed it "Tails."

• She absolutely despises people who waste their food and refuses to waste hers no matter what. Whatever she can't eat, Tails will eat. Always guaranteed to clear her plate no matter how disgusting the food nurses give is.

• She rarely keeps her hair down completely since Tails is surprisingly fussy about hairstyles.