


6 years, 8 months ago




Name || Anastasia
Alias || Royal Doctor
Gender || Female
Age || ???
Type || Healing/Medicine
Ethnicity || Pure Inkdrian
Plant/Flower || None
Occupation || Lead Medical Doctor to Valo
Skin Color || Pink
Rarity || Rare
Generation || 3
Waterproof? || No.
Theme || link a theme song

Traits List

  • - Pink Ink (Rare)
  • - Flower on the back of her head (Common)
  • - Odd Shaped Pupils (Rare)
  • - Gradiented eyes and markings (Common)
  • - Single colored mouths (Common)
  • - No Bristles (Common)


Anastasia is a lot more childish then she lets on. She's normally seen by people who know her as a bubbly ditzy who constantly over-thinks her problems. She has a hard time focusing on anything else but her job, leaving her job to be both her career and her hobby. Those who know her will tell tales of exaggerated greatings and a child like pep0talk she gives herself in the morning. Despite this, Anastasia is very dedicated to her job, never giving up on a task until it is completed, she is exetremely good at her job.

After becoming Valo's head of castle medical staff, Anastasia changed a lot. Due to her new professional enviroment, Anastasia started dressing herself to look older and more mature. Though she tries to act older then she actually is, she slips up from time to time, revealing her old child like personality.


  • Her job <3
  • Puppies!
  • Fishy foods
  • Make up


  • Mobians
  • Seedrians
  • Cold Weather
  • Her metal arm...



Anastasia is the second youngest of five kids from a family who moved to Muset when she was young. Her parents moved them to Muset due to harassment they were getting from their community, this breed fear in her and her siblings about mobians and seedrians. At Muset, Anastasia would grow up to go into the nursing and medical field, eventually being able to pursue her education at the capital. After graduation, her high marks had her hired in a mass hiring at the Muset Capital Hospital. Estatic beyond all belief, she took the job and started her new life.

Around this time, it happened. News spread that the great ruler of Muset, Sininan Valo, had fallen ill. She couldn't get out of her bed, and was fading into dust. Hakku, the right hand of the queen, ordered doctors, medical experts, and nurses from all over the capital to try to find a cure to her mystery illness. Though as days passed, inks gave up as a cure seemed lost to them. Eventually it was only Anastasia who was trying to find a cure.


  • Anastasia was born without her right arm.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies.