


2 years, 6 months ago


Beatrice Asali
Age 28 years old
Gender Female (she/her)
Species Beefolk
Orient. Lesbian
D.O.B March 20
Occupation Florist/Store Owner

Beatrice is a kindly, polite woman. She puts great pride in working, and hates ever feeling like she cannot do so. Thus, she tends to ignore her emotions or injuries, feeling that they get in the way of her job. It takes a lot for her to show irateness with a customer, but one of the quickest, guaranteed ways for it to happen is for a customer to mess with her plants- she will not hesitate to kick someone out of her store for that.

Beatrice often helps people and tends to disregard her own relaxation and time for them, but she by no means is motherly or doting. Beatrice admires those who do physical work, especially labor, and does not care much for people who do jobs or activities that she believes takes no effort- if someone were to complain about those things, she’d look down on them.

Beatrice values hard work to a fault; she frequently overworks herself, and doesn’t have much free time as a result. She has trouble saying no sometimes and this leads to her often promising to attend events that she then does not go to since she is busy with work. She often gives up her interests for the sake of her job. She has a tendency to become extremely focused on her work; consequently, she doesn’t take good care of herself and has irregular eating and drinking, irregular sleeping, and little time for leisure.

Part of the reason she’s so low on time and so overworked is because she takes so long to hire new employees since her perfectionist nature means that she has very high standards for employees and their work. She’s a firm believer of “if you want something done right, do it yourself” so even when she does have people to help her she’ll often take it upon herself to do the work meant for them. Even when she has free time, Beatrice has trouble staying idle and will find something to do.

Beatrice is afraid of her business failing. She is scared of being unable to work for one reason or another. She is also rather self-conscious about her appearance; she fears that her blatant inhuman and buglike features will scare away customers, especially humans. Thus, she only uses her extra arms in private and tries to limit the movement of her antennas, wings, and thorax when in public. She sometimes gets a little envious of fantastical beings that can pass as humans, wishing that she had such an ability; although, she feels ashamed for thinking that. Beatrice feels threatened by competition because she fears she won’t stand out enough.

  • The outdoors
  • Gardening
  • Sweet flavors
  • The colors pink and yellow
  • Baking
  • Doing work that produces tangiable, phsyical results
  • Having nothing to do
  • Rude customers and workers
  • People who complain about jobs she considers easy (basically anything that isn't physical labor)
  • Sour flavors
  • People who don't appreciate the floral industry
  • Chilidogs

Beatrice was born in Florida to a segment of a large family of beefolk who own a variety of businesses across the nation. Growing up with her many siblings, Beatrice, like many members of her family, took an interest in horticulture. She always felt overshadowed by the sheer number of siblings and relatives she had; so much of her family sharing her same interests did nothing to help that. Although she loved her family and they loved her, Beatrice couldn’t help but feel a bit resentful towards them.

When her high school education was complete, her family allowed her to stay with one of her cousins up north— a faraway location from her close family which she specifically chose in an attempt to distance herself from them— to work in their flower shop. While there, Beatrice realized how passionate she was for floristry specifically and learned about the career for two years. As well as things went, however, she found herself feeling miffed that she wasn’t her own boss, especially since that boss was still someone in her family.

Eventually, the shop was put out of business by a competing flower shop nearby, so Beatrice found herself back at square one and moving back in with her close family, most of whom had moved to California. There, she worked in various florist shops owned by her family members for three years. Her dedication to her work caught the eye of her grandmother, who then gave Beatrice the opportunity to open her own flower shop in a town with a large population of fantastical beings. She was estatic, and sent out for the town as soon as possible.

Now, Beatrice owns a flower shop called Busy Bee Bouquets. All of the rooms on the lower floor of her house have been repurposed for the display, sale, and storage of flowers. It’s the first branch of her family’s store opened in the town. Due to her perfectionist attitude, she has a hard time hiring new employees; thus, she's currently the only worker there. On Mondays and Tuesdays the store is open to customers intending to make orders in-person or purchase pre-arranged flowers or just browsing from 6:00 A.M. to 12 P.M. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, the store is closed so that Beatrice can work on designing arrangements- however, customers ordering an arrangement are often allowed inside by her anyways. On Fridays she ships out the finished arrangements for delivery (customers can also request to retrieve the arrangement in-person on Monday or Tuesday if they so desire) and continues working on new arrangements and cleaning up the shop. On Saturdays she retrieves shipments of fresh flowers delivered by her family; she uses the rest of the day to process and cut the flowers, along with cleaning up the shop more if need be. Sunday is her day off. Her shop also sells gardening supplies, flower seeds, and honey jars that are all from businesses either partnered with or owned by her family.

Mysteriously, ever since she moved into her house and renovated it into a store, Beatrice has gained a strange roomate; an extraterrestial being named Alion. Beatrice is far too afraid to remove Alion from her house due to their unpredictable and potentially dangerous nature. So, she opts to hide Alion in a room upstairs and buy chilidogs to sate her appetite. Alion also has a habit of inviting their cousin, Maeve, over; who then promptly spills paint everywhere. Beatrice does her best to keep them all under control.

Beatrice also works with Rosemary, a fellow bugperson shop owner. She sells some of Rosemary's syrups at her shop, and shares those profits with her. Rosemary was a frequent visitor to her shop, which got them talking. Now, Beatrice and Rosemary are in a loving romantic relationship together.

Design Notes

  • Normally, her short, black hair is packed into tight curls; however, she usually straightens her hair when she expects to be around people and oftens complements it with a headband, bow, or some other headwear.
  • The protrusion on her back- called a thorax- can move around like a bee's abdomen. There’s a large stinger on the end of it. She almost always wears a plastic covering over her stinger to prevent injury to herself or others. Her stinger has very small barbs on the underside. Her antennae and wings can also move like a bee's.
  • Tends to wear simple short-sleeved shirts and pants. Her favorite color is pink; thus, a lot of her clothes tend to be that color. She doesn’t have many fancy or formal clothes since she doesn’t often find herself in situations where such outfits would be necessary. Most of her clothing of that sort is years old, considering that she doesn’t really have a reason to buy more. She doesn’t have an official uniform for work, but she typically wears clothes fit for gardening, if only for appearance.
  • She orders most of her clothes from retailers that sell clothing specifically for people who have insect wings and extensions like thoraxes or extra limbs; most of her clothes have some sort of zipper or opening near her upper back, rear, and occasionally below her armpits.
  • No nose or visible outer ear
  • Hairy limbs
  • Can sprout an extra two arms below her regular arms.

  • The insect-like wings on her back can be used for temporary flight. She can only fly for about thirty minutes and the highest she can go while maintaining stable flight is about fifteen feet (4.572 meters) off the ground. Her wings are delicate and easily injured. Thankfully, the wings can heal back to a flyable state but it does take some time (at least a few weeks for the smallest tear and even longer for more intense injuries). Complete removal of a wing cannot be healed, however. Flying takes up a lot of energy, so she doesn't do it often.
  • Lacking a nose, Beatrice uses her antennas for detecting smells. Her antennae are particularly sensitive to strong smells and smoke. Strong smells, particularly artificial ones like perfumes and nail polish, or the presence of many smells can overwhelm her. Additionally, exposure to smoke makes her feel extremely lightheaded and dizzy. These effects are worse the closer the sources of these odors are to her antennas.
  • Her stinger injects a venom very similar to honeybee venom, albeit more powerful due to the larger dosage and size. It pretty much causes the same reaction but on a larger scale; it also causes the same reaction to those with bee allergies. The barbs on her stinger can cause it to become lodged in anything as thick as mammal skin, causing catostrophic results; so, she usually wears a plastic covering over her stinger so it can't harm anybody.
  • She bought a Nintendo Switch just to play Animal Crossing.
  • Her favorite Disney movie is “The Princess and The Frog”.
  • When nobody's around she likes to dance.
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