Paprika Hart



2 years, 4 months ago


Paprika Hart

A Curious Witness


You didn't have to be an M.D to know something was wrong with Basil.

After a disastrous dinner date, Paprika became anxious about their boyfriend's health. Worried out of their mind, they decided to check on him the day after. Poor thing could barely speak about what happened.

After another anxiety inducing encounter, they gain a lead from an anonymous source, which takes them down a trail of disappearing persons and censored files. As they make progress with their search for an answer, Paprika puts themself in danger of a certain meta-physical fast food employee.


  • Gay Nonbinary Person (They/Them)
  • African-American, Human
  • 26, 5'0"
  • August 25th-Virgo



To those who know Paprika, they know them as a sweet person with a cheery disposition and bright mind. If Basil is the brawn, then Paprika is the brain. Mx. Hart acts more rational and can think on their feet if needed.

One thing Paprika does wish they had more of is confidence. Confrontations speeches, and grand dispustes are the bane of their existence, and avoids them as much as possible. They have a hard time speaking up, even when they need to.


Paprika was born an only child and was raised by a single mother. While seeing eye to eye came as a difficult task, they love their mom and appreciates all she has done for them. While growing up, they gained a love for science (spefically chemistry) and wanted to spread that love through teaching.

After college, Paprika moved out, wanting to live somewhere a bit quieter than the city but where they could also find work. Now, they are at a local highschool as a teaching assistant. Although the pay isn't the best, they're happy with their descison. Because if they didn't move, they would've never met Basil.

Logic Waltz In B Major by Nicholas Brittell