Nadia Spizirri



2 years, 6 months ago


80843085_ol3JWpPHLp2QOaI.jpg Nadia Spizirri

I got the role..but i was cheated out of my childhood


name Nadia Spizirri
pronouns She/Her
age 23
species NEXT
occupation Hero
Hero Name Genesis

A young woman who lost her sense of touch due to over limiting her powers from abuse of her parents. Is the only child in her family to he a NEXT

  • Dinner Dates
  • Ice Cream
  • Bird Watching
  • Birthdays
  • Her Parents
  • Confrontation


  • Nadia lives in the Sternbuild Gold Stage with Ryan Goldsmith
  • Her favorite food is Gnocci and Ice cream her least favorite food is pineappleĀ 

    • Despite refusing to admit it. She absolutely adores Ryan's pet iguana Molly
  • Her Motto is "Live like its last day on Earth"

  • She has a old design with blonde hair. do not use that please
  • Her outfit differs so you are allowed to give her a personal wardrobe when drawing her
  • Alot of nsfw but please ask before offering nsfw artwork
  • base value: $20
  • added value: $45
  • total worth: $65



Nadia was born as a NEXT into her family, with the ability to transform anything into something else at her finger tips. Due to this power, her rich parents decided to exploit this ability for power gain and money. Evetually breaking Nadia to the point where her nervous system shutted down and lost her complete sense of touch. This explotation continuted until she escaped from her home to join Hero TV Live.

Nadia joined the Academy and met Barnaby Brooks JR. There, both being at a tie as the top of the class they grew a friendly rivaly and still ended up tied as the top at graduation. Meeting again years later when they both joined Hero TV Live


Still trying to escape her past. Nadia has been finding a way to recover her nervous system and get her sense of touch back while also being a full time Hero for the Live tv series Hero TV Live. Learning to open up more to the others as well as removing the thorns in her heart


Though she fails at her goal to cure her nervous system. Nadia has since moved on from her past and focuses on her future with her friends and Ryan. Now focusing her Hero business for herself and doing what she loves best. Nadia has grown close to the others and has future plans with Ryan to settle down in the far future



Though a rocky relationship at the start. The two kept in contact while Ryan was overseas, eventually causing the two to start a long distance relationship until he came back to stay. Nadia deeply loves Ryan and is her first time for everything.


Friendly Rival back in the Academy, Nadia and Barnaby sparked their friendship back just recently and consider each other siblings at this point


Nadia's Buddy in the buddy system and her closes friend since the start of both of their careers. Nadia also helped Kya gain the confidence to have a relationship with Barnaby