

2 years, 6 months ago


Look Who's Inside Again
Bo Burnham

01 — Profile

Name Joey Garcia
Nicknames GUTS
Age 25
Gender Non-Binary (He/They)
Height 6'3
Birthdate Early Summer
Race Human, Hispanic
Orientation. Asexual
Occupation Starving Artist

Status WIP
Designer @ Toxiguts
Worth $??
  • Has a mullet with micro bangs

  • Has the most wispiest mustache ever

  • Has wonky teeth with a few missing

  • Has many piercings! Look at images for reference

  • Usually wears funky lenses in his eyes

  • Is quite slender with a but of tone

  • Has selfharm scars everywhere and lots of freckles

02 — Personality

Positive: Kind, Sympathetic

Neutral: Vulnerable, Sensetive

Negative: Depressed, self destuctive, fearful

Guts embodies a complex tapestry of emotions and experiences, their personality a delicate balance between light and shadow. Beneath their outward kindness lies a deep well of sadness and self-destructiveness, stemming from a lifetime of struggles and internal battles. Despite their introverted nature, Guts yearns for connection, though often hindered by their fears and insecurities. They navigate life with a gentle demeanor, their default expression a small, melancholic smile masking the storms raging within. Vulnerable and sensitive, Guts finds solace in the fleeting moments of joy found in art and companionship. Their chronic fatigue and emotional masochism add layers of complexity to their character, shaping their interactions with the world around them. Though their intelligence may be perceived as low, Guts possesses a wisdom born from hardship, their journey marked by resilience and the relentless pursuit of self-expression amidst the chaos of existence.

  • Psychedelics

  • Art

  • Tea

  • Birds

  • Large crowds

  • Coffee

  • Plants

  • Hot weather

03 — Background


Guts childhood bore the harsh tones of struggle and misunderstanding, shaped deeply by the challenges of growing up in a household that couldn't—or wouldn't—understand their needs or identity. From a young age, Guts felt the sting of isolation, their sensitive and introspective nature often putting them at odds with their family's expectations. The lack of acceptance was palpable, and their early expressions of gender identity and emotional pain were met with confusion and disdain rather than support.

The tensions at home escalated as Guts entered their teenage years, marked by an increasing reliance on self-harm as a coping mechanism for the deep-seated feelings of alienation and distress. The misunderstandings culminated dramatically when Guts was kicked out of the family home at the tender age of 16. This pivotal moment thrust them into premature independence, forced to navigate a world that seemed as unforgiving and harsh as the environment they had been ejected from.


Guts day typically starts in the early afternoon after long nights spent drawing or wrestling with restless thoughts. Working from their cluttered room that serves as a studio, Guts begins with a cup of herbal tea, setting a calm tone for their day. Their hours are marked by intensive drawing sessions, where they channel deep emotions into their artwork. Breaks include people-watching from their window or taking brief walks in quieter parts of town, gathering inspiration from everyday life. Recreational drug use intermittently aids their creativity and offers some mental respite. To unwind, Guts enjoys cartoons and baking, finding joy and a sense of achievement in these simpler activities. Evenings are often spent either with friends or alone, reflecting on their complex life and ongoing projects, continually persevering through their challenges.


His art is a raw and visceral journey into the depths of human emotion, characterized by its dark and edgy aesthetic. His pieces often feature stark, contrasting colors and chaotic, almost frenzied lines that capture the turbulence of his inner world. Themes of pain, struggle, and resilience are prevalent, communicated through haunting imagery and abstract forms that seem to twist and contort with emotion. Guts' work serves as a poignant narrative of survival and self-expression, where each stroke and shade reveals more of their battles and triumphs. Despite the somber tones, there is an undeniable beauty in his art—a cathartic release that not only allows Guts to confront his demons but also invites the viewer to explore their own reflections in the shadows of his creations.

04 — Trivia

  • Nickname Origins: Guts earned their nickname not only from their fearless approach to personal expression in their art but also as a nod to their favorite manga character who embodies resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

  • Pet Love: They have a pet cockatiel named "Pixel" that sometimes appears in their drawings.

  • Bird Watcher: One of Guts’ more peaceful hobbies is bird watching. They find the sight and sounds of birds to be incredibly soothing and often sketch the birds they observe as part of their relaxation routine.

  • Music Mood: Guts creates most of their art while listening to lo-fi hip-hop.

05 — Relationships


Tox Chidori, Guts' best friend, is a force to be reckoned with—a fierce and unapologetic presence in their life. With a sharp tongue and a no-nonsense attitude, Tox is known for her brutal honesty, never one to sugarcoat the truth.

Despite her abrasive exterior, her loyalty to Guts runs deep, and beneath her tough facade lies a heart of gold. She may be mean, but she keeps it real, always offering Guts the tough love they need to navigate life's challenges with strength and resilience.


Arlo Flores, Guts' short cousin, exudes an aura of nonchalance, often appearing detached from the world around him. Despite his seemingly indifferent demeanor, Arlo harbors a deep affection for Guts, accepting them unconditionally for who they are. He may not express it overtly, but his presence in Guts' life is a steady anchor, offering silent support and understanding in moments of need. Their bond transcends words, rooted in a shared history and a mutual respect for each other's journey.