Castor Cruz



6 years, 7 months ago


Castor Cruz was once a great baseball player. He'd played all his life, pursuing his passion, thanks to the support of his endlessly loving father. While his mom died when he was young and had no other siblings, he could always rely on his father for encouragement and support. When Cas finally accomplished his dream of going pro, he credited his dad entirely with his success.

Unfortunately, not long after his first game in the major leagues, there was an accident. There was a fire that broke out in his home; his dad had fallen asleep with the stove on, and wasn't able to be rescued in time. His biggest inspiration, his only family member, the one who raised him and cared for him, had died.

At first, Castor attempted to bury his feelings. He still had baseball, his team, his remaining source of happiness and what made him feel so fulfilled. But he used that to try and distract himself from the creeping depression that plagued him. Unfortunately, his next game -- he insisted that he didn't take a break after his father's funeral -- would also be his last. Caught up in the heavy fog weighing on his mind and distracting thoughts blotting out his attention that would otherwise be on the game, Cas didn't even see the ball that hurled towards, nor hear his team calling out to him to catch it before the batter ran towards third base. He attempted, last second, to reach out and grab it, but instead, the ball slammed against his front leg, just below the hoof, fracturing his wrist.

It never healed properly. Due to his permanent injury, the young, talented upstart had to quit baseball forever. With no reason to stay in town, with his father dead, his home practically destroyed and steeped in bad memories, he left. He left to a small town that his grandparents once lived. There was a house that, after their passing, had been given to his father, and was now in Cas' name. He hopes to start a new life there, in the town of Sweetbriar