




Age4 years
EthnicityDragon/Absol Hybrid
ThemeUnravel- Jonathan young Cover


Charisma★ ★ ★ ★ 
Kindness★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Integrity★ ★ ★ ★ 
Caution★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence★ ★ ★ ★ 


Height35.0 inches
BuildGenerally small
HornDragon like Horns?


Sol's is a halfbreed dragon absol, Sol's mother is an absol named Whisper and Hunter's half-brother. Whisper was taken advantage of by one of Hunter's boyfriends after Hunter scorned her and gave him permission to do whatever the hell he wanted to her. 

Whisper got pregnant from the incident, Whisper promptly decided she didn't want the child but Vishap being extremely attached to everything that comes from him convinced her to leave it alive, but she gave it up the second it was born to a creature named Viper, it took only a couple weeks for Sol to make his first appearance, damaged by a 'whisp' they are a glowing-eyed creature.

 At the Time Sol's body was badly damaged and this was his first time encountering Hunter. Hunter was going through the loss of one of her sons and she lashed out not helping with his later feelings towards her. 

  Later Sol approached Hunter's house and that's when he first met Vishap, Sol instantly recognized who Vishap was even though he was barely a month old, Vishap didn't recognize him but Hunter did and snapped at Vishap to get rid of him but after Sol darted inside and hide under a couch Hunter explained to Vishap that Sol was his son and Whispers and she would not allow him to keep the 'bastard child' Vishap didn't want to hurt Hunter and accepted her orders giving him to a friend named Ami.

Ami and her husband Kurai love Sol with all their hearts and Ami created Ink for Sol to help him through his emotional times, Sol grew to be obsessed with butterflies over the years and Ami is constantly having to watch him or he'll run off after these Butterflies. Ink is always at Sol's side a silent guardian and has defended Sol on multiple occasions, even taking on Hunter for him.


  • Ami
  • Kuria
  • Ink
  • Vishap
  • Blankets


  • Hunter
  • Demons
  • Whisps
  • Spooky things
  • Kidnapping


  • He growls
  • Ice cream obsession
  • Loves pillowings
  • Best friend is a butterfly
  • Butterflies


6473911_kM3XFXbZfn7gBh8.png Ink


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