
This character's profile contains sensitive subject material, including but is not limited to:

  • Child slavery


Late 20s

11/24/2021 20:36



Government Freelancer





First created as an errand boy NPC for Fu Xiong in his personal campaign. Min gained favor from me and was upgraded into a main-ish character similar to how Hongliu was written.

Mǐn (敏) : Agile

General Backstory

A slave with throat problems due to the unhygenic cage he was forced to live in and the rotting food he had to eat. Min reminded the passerby Fu Xiong of his younger sister - who was sold and briefly serve as a servant, and was rescued along with his other fellow slaves. The young boy was brought back to Xiao Shi Men's HQ and had his larynx removed there to prevent his health conditions from going worse than it already was. There he served with his friends from the slave market, cooking and cleaning for the disciples of the school. Min being the only boy among the 11 slaves helped him get a job as personal servant for Xiong.

The only thing to call Min by then was "Lei's child" - coming from what seems like the original family he was taken from. Xiong named him "Min" (敏), as in "君子欲訥於言, 而敏於行" : "A gentleman is slow (cautious) in speech, but agile in his action", refers to the child's affected communication ability as an encouragement. Xiong never show much love, at least openly, to the slaves he brought back, but this one small action help Min completely trust in the man's kindness despite his horrid reputation and mean actions at the sect.

Although being muted from the surgery, with his androgynous appearance and caring personality, Min was popular with the boys and girls alike. Fu Xiong got into various troubles when Min was 13 and had to throw away his bright future, fled the sect with the kids and making them start a completely new life outside of the cultivating world, with Xiong himself living as a hermit. Min has alway been loyal to his master, even seeing Xiong as his parent and was not bothered by this turn of event, that is until he learnt the cause of all of this wreck is from Xiong's love life. Min pick up a passionate hate for romance and general human relationship shenanigans from then on and had sworn to "protect" bright minds from being destroy by lovey dovey bullshit.

Min had another surgery when he's already an adult to give him back his voice, performed by Xiong's old friend at the sect. Although Xiong has request a standard procedure so Min can live a normal life with his sisters or with a new teacher that Xiong has recommended, Min saw this as Xiong abandoning him so he can runaway with his partner, and decided to rebels. The doctor, persuaded by the kid and his new teacher, gave him a magical/mechanic devide similar to an electronic larynx, one part embeded in his body and one part shape like a flute, allow him to do various task, including attacking by soundwave akin to a newbie cultivator.

Min didn't do much with this new ability aside from working for the government with his new teacher to catch pirates and guides stranded ships to the city dock. It just serve to send a subtle message that he's no longer a docile servant to Xiong.


  • Staying alive
  • Entertain himself
  • Tear apart couples
  • Rinse and repeat


  • A natural lady killer, but also oblivious to his own charm. Usually acts like a little brother around them
  • Likes people with a good head on their shoulder, he enjoy intimidating oponents with a threat to decapitate them

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