♕ cynthia sanguine.



cynthia sanguine.


1:51 4:08
cynthia "cyn" sanguine
27 yrs
she / they
miqo'te [humanoid cat-folk]

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the outcast.

The first memories are good ones for the most people. Childhood sceneries, playgrounds, the first toy that they got for their earliest birthdays. For Cynthia, her first rememberance is lonesomeness. Born as an outcast, she was made to not fit in - as a mix of Sun & Moon Miqo'te, she's never quite belonged into society the way she is. Did it stop her from chasing after her dreams? Hell nah.

the passenger.

Witty as she is, it was somehow no wonder, that Cyn managed to escape her life in misery. She may not believe in destiny; but somehow things took a turn for her, as she met the right people. The inner hunger for knowledge - and maybe even power - drove her, as she was brought to Sharlayan and engaged into the arts of the Sage. For a while it felt like she reached her destination in life. A few years passed, before it dawned to her, that she had to leave. Without any goodbyes, she boarded a ship and left the northern nation. Formerly known as Cynthia Yuumas, she changed her last name; and ringed in the beginning of Cynthia Sanguine.

the corruption.

And then there was light. Too much light, to be fair; the corruption altered her aether and her body, activating something that was sleeping deep inside her soul. As she broke down, her heart stopped beating, forever. And then she opened her lids back up - the white of her eyes suddenly darkened into a deep black and the formerly dark red of her irises of glowing colour. With the corruption came powers she had never imagined to possess. Cynthia saw and read quite a few things over the course of her life, but neither her, not anyone she knew was able to find an explanation for the demonic, dormant heart in her chest.

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