Firil IronMountain



6 years, 8 months ago


Name:Firil (Dark gift) Ironmountain 

Age: 67+ 

Species:1/2 drow 1/4moonelf 1/4dwarf 

Gender: female 


Sexuality: pan

Occupation: Cartographer, Translator 

Class: cleric 

Alignment: neutral (good) 


Relationship(s): mother(estranged), father (deceased), Ranroos Alerret( friend?)

Weapon(s): iron staff, long knife 

Quirks: small goatee due to her dwarven heritage.

           Sarcastic, tends to have dry humor. 

           Sings old songs when she's trying to think. 

           Has a slight stutter when she talks to quickly.

           High alcohol tolerance. Keeps a small sketch 

           book on her at all times. Claustrophobic. 

          Wears brown robes as opposed to green ones,

           she's constantly traveling. 

Likes: sketching, alcohol, learning new languages,

           exploring, hot baths, music, history, spicy foods, 

           astronomy, art supplies. 

Dislikes: spiders, most full blooded Drow or elves.

            Deserts, caves(has to be able to see the sky from her window), 

             getting sick, small spaces 


 Her mother was a Drow who had a slept with a mixed blooded moonelf slave. As a child she grew up in the underdark with her half moon elf half dwarf father.

 Her mother or the woman who gave birth to her, let her father raise her. Not she was really planning on keeping a half breed. 

As far as her mother was concerned she was little better then a slave. Firil's father passed away from sickness when she was barely in her teens. 

At that point she was confined to the lower portions of the house. 

In her late teens her mother traded her for another slave. Or more sold her and bought a slave they found more to their liking. 

During her time with the caravan, she met another slave, a human, who taught her about Fharlanghn. 

She'd always heard about the surface but never really felt the draw to go. Talking to him,

 lit a fire in her to seek the world beyond the cold darkness of the Underdark. 

A decade and a half later she found her way to the surface. Though it had been a stroke of luck for the most part. 

Escaping the UnderDark was no easy task, but as fate would have it, she was in the city of Sshamath, where the more intelligent species are generally not enslaved. 

With the help of an unlikely ally,a Drow by name Of Ranroos Alerret, She was able to bargain with a human to get passage to the surface.

 In exchange for any findings that might interest them on the surface. After reaching the surface, Firil spent her time exploring the land.

 Worshiping her god in her own way while still keeping his principles. She found many prejudice among the surface dwellers, but they were far less than those of her mothers kin. 

Some would accept her after their initial judgments. 

She is currently still exploring the surface.