Ginger Ale Cookie



2 years, 6 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Ginger Ale Cookie
Nicknames/Aliases: Ginger, Gingie
Titles: None
Age: 32
Gender: Cis Female (gender non-conforming)
Orientation: Heterosexual (prefers men who aren’t conventionally masculine)
Species: Animated Cookie
Birthday: January 15th
Occupation: Relic hunter
Powers: None
Living Family: Cider Cookie (father, estranged), Sparkling Cookie (half-brother), Royal Gala Apple Cookie (stepmother), (and the rest of the Apple Fam as stepfamily)
Hometown: -tba-
Current Residence: Travels most of the time, but has a secluded cottage that she returns to to rest between jobs.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’11”
Body: Olive
Hair: Dirty blonde with white tips
Eyes: Green
Body Type: Muscular and blocky
Distinguishing Marks: A scar on her right cheek and a small tattoo of a gem on her right bicep. Has a few other scars across her body
Left or Right-Handed: Right
Quirks/Habits: Rubs at her neck when feeling nervous or awkward.
Voice/Voiceclaim: Alice "Daisy" Tonner (Fay Roberts) -The Magnus Archives (tentative) (probably without the accent)

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: None
Blood Type: Strawberry
Disorders: None
Other Notes: None

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: English
Positive Traits: Brave, quick-thinking, hardworking, independent, protective
Neutral Traits: Gruff, assertive, aloof, sarcastic, quiet
Negative Traits: Untrusting, antisocial, cold
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Fears: Abandonment, betrayal, clowns
Secrets: None


General Likes: Easy jobs, sleeping in, natural ambience, pastries, wildflowers, hot baths (especially when it’s cold out), fishing, sunrises, a good stretch, comfortable silences, swimming
General Dislikes: Impulsiveness, gambling, clients trying to weasel out of paying her, confusing technology, traps, cave critters, cemeteries, surprises, spicy foods, getting lost, cold soup, potatoes
Animal: Birds (canaries in particular)
Color: Peach
Food: Cinnamon rolls
Drink: Sweet tea
Music Genre: Folk
Season: Spring
Flower: Columbines


Best Friend(s): None
Other Friends: None/tba
Acquaintances: Adventurer, Yogurt Cream, Lilac
Significant Other(s): Philosopher
Rivals: None
Enemies: Eclair, Chili Pepper
Pets: -tba-


Meaning of Name: N/A
Religion: None
Astrological Zodiac: Capricorn sun and moon
Celtic Zodiacs: Birch and Deer
Element: Earth
Hogwarts House: Honestly I don’t know how to classify her
Alignment: True Neutral

  • Ginger Ale and Sparkling are very close in age, only a year or so apart.
  • Ginger Ale’s mother, Ginger Root, passed away from an illness when she was 11. She was put into a shitty orphanage, but escaped after just a few weeks.
  • Ginger Ale turned to doing rather shady things in order to feed and clothe herself.
  • Ginger Ale has a knack for athletics and General Thief Skills, and naturally has higher stamina than most Cookies.
  • Ginger Ale doesn’t snatch up relics and artifacts for herself; she’s hired by anyone from renowned archeologists to private collectors to retrieve things for them.