[CC] Mali



2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Mali

Birthday: 18, March

Species: Raider (Mutt x Weretiger)

Catchphrase: Maw

Quote: "Did that frustrate you?"

Character Type(s): Normal

Personality: Competitive, tryhard, silly


A dog with devotion for his family. His family was dirt poor but they love and care about one another deeply. Mali wished he could provide more for them and seek Raider potion for more power, thinking he could keep himself under control. Turned out he could’nt and ended up attacking one of his siblings. Panicked, he fled from home to hide from his guilt and live in isolation for a few years before deciding to start anew.


Mali tries to bury his past and live as a new person. He lives on the outskirt of the town and likes to stroll during the night. His memory from before is blurry but he can remember his family clearly.

— Quirks —-


- Use his shadow ability very often. Mostly when he doesn’t want to be seen

- Cannot stare at a light source. Even a match will hurt his eyes and blind him. Always wear cloth to cover his skin when out in the sun

- Touch feels like light needle pricks to him. He can endure an expected hand shake but a surprise slap on the back will feel like being stabbed.

- Can have normal conversation just fine. Will avoid big gathering or loud activity.


[Weretigers are either tigers that ate a lot of human and gained power, or a person who got turned into a tiger via witchcraft. They are known for luring hunters to come down from the trees/stands to eat by shapeshifting as their friends or family.]

- Shapeshift: He can shapeshift at will and have complete control of his appearance, including age and gender. This also gives him a wide range of voice he can make. However, he can’t sprout more limbs or gain ability from it ie. he can morph his arms into wings but he still can’t fly.

- Can see clearly in the dark



- Became a lot more dry and pessimistic after becoming Raider but still likes jokes and puns

- Has 4 siblings from the same litter. He is the second. He think back of them fondly but wish to never meet them again

- Was a really emotional puppy. Still kind of is.

- Likes making and listening to stories. Sometimes will use his shapeshifting ability to act out a scene to himself. Likes the idea of theatre but it is too loud for him.

- Likes meats and sweets