Hazel Wildibrooke



2 years, 6 months ago


Princess of Caria, loves adventures, learning, and all things nature and technology. her heart belongs to the whole universe, not tied down to one place. 

Hazel is a fun, adventurous, loving and spunky princess from the Planet Caira. She is a lover of learning and nature, especially foreign Flora and Fauna as her kingdom is more technology based than natural. She attempts so surround herself in as much nature as she really can. 

Hazel is a creative. She loves to learn, make, and find new solutions to old problems. She is however, sometimes too creative. She constantly struggles with overthinking simple things and digging to deep into simple things that could be just a passing comment. She over thinks everything people say about her and thus has lead her to be more secluded and not as active in the kingdoms community. She's also quite introverted. She has her few friends, but other than that, she's mainly alone, until Jamie comes along that is.


-Hazel is 5'2"

-She has a large cat creature as a pet named Ringo

-She loves dancing but she sucks at it

-She is a big fan of synthesizer music or anything 80's esk

-She is also ADHD but in the opposite way to Jamie.

- Her favorite color is purple yet she owns no purple clothes